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As 2024 comes to a close, I find myself pausing to look back on the incredible journey this year has been. This year was a remarkable blend of adventures that took me to new places, heartfelt moments of love that nurtured my spirit, valuable lessons that deepened my knowledge, and profound connections that shaped and […]
Early morning on Friday, I got a congratulations message from Nabyasha Singh(HR Manager) about my 3 years completion in the Rank Math/ family. I was surprised by how fast the time went. Reflecting on the past, I’m deeply thankful for the wonderful chances I’ve been given and truly fortunate to be a member of such […]
I’m thrilled to share that I’ve hit a milestone: I’ve reviewed 5000 WordPress themes! It’s been quite a journey, and I want to thank each one of you for your support along the way. When I first started, the idea of reviewing WordPress themes sounded interesting, but I didn’t know where to start. Now, though, […]
Take a look at the topics below that I can speak about and then reach out to me on
From the HeroPress archives
by Ganga Kafle on
In this week’s essay Ganga Kafla from Nepal writes how his interest in IT changed to an interest in WordPress & becoming the themes team lead
Here are the events I've attended and ones I'll be attending in the future (in bold).
Total: 23
Online event
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