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Generate Alt Text with AI

Sample photos from the WordPress Photo Directory
A close-up of a Beagle dog looking out of a window. The background shows greenery and an outdoor scene. The dog is wearing a collar and appears to be intently gazing outside.
OpenAI: A close-up of a Beagle dog looking out of a window. The background shows greenery and an outdoor scene. The dog is wearing a collar and appears to be intently gazing outside.
Two white cushioned chairs positioned near a large window with sheer white curtains allowing natural light to enter the room. An adjacent wall with textured wallpaper and a corner of a wooden table are also visible, creating a cozy, sunlit interior space.
OpenAI: Two white cushioned chairs positioned near a large window with sheer white curtains allowing natural light to enter the room. An adjacent wall with textured wallpaper and a corner of a wooden table are also visible, creating a cozy, sunlit interior space.
A yellow caution sign placed on a tiled floor indicating a wet or slippery surface. The sign bears the words "CAUTION," "ACHTUNG," "ATTENTION," and "CUIDADO" above a symbol of a person slipping.
OpenAI: A yellow caution sign placed on a tiled floor indicating a wet or slippery surface. The sign bears the words “CAUTION,” “ACHTUNG,” “ATTENTION,” and “CUIDADO” above a symbol of a person slipping.
View of the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, towering over the surrounding modern skyscrapers. In the foreground, there is a decorative balustrade with intricate patterns, and beyond it, a large turquoise water feature. The sky is clear and blue.
OpenAI: View of the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, towering over the surrounding modern skyscrapers. In the foreground, there is a decorative balustrade with intricate patterns, and beyond it, a large turquoise water feature. The sky is clear and blue.

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AI-generated alt text via OpenAI costs money. I wish I could offer this tool for free for everyone — without login — but logging in allows me to grow the site and have incredible sponsors like the ones below.

The sponsors at the bottom of this page are what allow me to offer this service to logged-in users. If you like this tool, make sure you thank them! ❤️