Community-Rated Recommendations
WordPress Hosting
Great WordPress hosting is crucial to running your company’s website, freelance, or agency business. This list of recommended hosts aims to help you determine which option is the best solution for you.
Any hosting provider can appear on the list as long as it meets minimum requirements listed below. None of the links on this list are affiliate links and none of the listings, placements, or ratings have been paid for.
Note: This hosting recommendation page uses a combination of rubrics that have been proposed for the official hosting page. When the official hosting page is updated to more transparently recommend hosting providers, this page will be redirected to that one.
5.00 — 5 ratings
Weighted rating: 4.59
4.80 — 7 ratings
Weighted rating: 4.54
4.76 — 7 ratings
Weighted rating: 4.52
4.61 — 10 ratings
Weighted rating: 4.47
4.58 — 12 ratings
Weighted rating: 4.46
5.00 — 2 ratings
Weighted rating: 4.41
4.38 — 9 ratings
Weighted rating: 4.31
4.71 — 1 rating
Weighted rating: 4.27
4.23 — 5 ratings
Weighted rating: 4.2
4.21 — 2 ratings
Weighted rating: 4.19
4.06 — 11 ratings
Weighted rating: 4.1
3.64 — 2 ratings
Weighted rating: 4.03
3.83 — 9 ratings
Weighted rating: 3.95
3.52 — 3 ratings
Weighted rating: 3.93
WordCamp Global Sponsor
3.47 — 10 ratings
Weighted rating: 3.71
3.44 — 9 ratings
Weighted rating: 3.71
WordCamp Global Sponsor
3.18 — 11 ratings
Weighted rating: 3.49
WordCamp Global Sponsor
About this Page
Minimum requirements
Any hosting provider can appear on the list as long as it meets minimum requirements listed below:
- Must offer WordPress hosting
- Meet the technical WordPress requirements
- Must be on the 5FTF pledges page
- Must maintain GPL compliance
How options are displayed
The host options provided are sorted by user rating first and foremost. A standard formula (the Bayesian average) is used to calculate a weighted score based on rating score and number of ratings.
To rate a host, you must have a The WP World user account and be logged in. This should help reduce spam votes and trolling (hopefully 🤞).
If no ratings are available for a host or number of hosts, the remainder are sorted in alphabetical order.
Data and ratings
The hosting list here is meant to serve the visitor by providing both objective (data) and subjective (rating) information.
Some details, like the year a host was established or whether they are a current global WordCamp sponsor is purely objective.
Meanwhile, ideals around performance, security, ease of use, and others vary by user and skill level and are, therefore, subjective.
The goal here is to offer a mix of both when coming to a conclusion about the quality of a host.
What rubrics are being used?
There are two main rubrics being considered for inclusion on this page. The first was proposed as a scoring matrix which would aid in not only determining inclusion, but also sort order.
The second is called Project Bedrock and aims to not only determine eligibility, but also what data is most important to show.
Am I missing something?
If you meet the criteria and want to be listed on this page, let us know! If you are listed and some of the information needs to change, we want to know that too.
Disclaimer: The WP World reserves the right to remove individual ratings and list/de-list companies on this page for any reason. Criteria for inclusion may also change at any time, though it’ll be updated here. None of the links on this list are affiliate links and none of the listings, placements, or ratings have been paid for, to the best of the knowledge of The WP World.
The WP World is generously supported by:
WordPress® and its related trademarks are registered trademarks of the WordPress foundation. This website is not affiliated with Automattic, Inc., the WordPress Foundation or the WordPress® open source project.
Marcus Burnette is employed by Bluehost. However, this site is an independent project created and managed solely by Marcus. This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by Bluehost and is dedicated to supporting the WordPress community.