WordPress Hosting by

WP Engine


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9 ratings

Overall rating (3.75)
Options and Features
Ease of use (UI/UX)
  • Hosting type: managed
  • Free SSL included
  • 99.99% Uptime guarantee
  • Access: SSH & SFTP
  • Reseller program available
  • Staging sites: Staging and dev environments, direct connection to Local WP
  • Backups: Automatic and unlimited manual backups, stored off-site

Established in 2010

WP Engine stands out in the WordPress hosting market with its focus on managed hosting solutions designed for unmatched speed, scalability, and security. Their platform is built specifically for WordPress, offering features like automated security updates, daily backups, and a proprietary caching technology for optimal performance.

WP Engine’s biggest value proposition is its expertise in providing a high-performance hosting environment tailored for WordPress, making it ideal for businesses, developers, and agencies looking for reliable, scalable web infrastructure. With exceptional customer service and a suite of developer tools, WP Engine empowers users to build and manage WordPress sites more efficiently.


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