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This post should be a short one, and builds on a few previous posts that involve creating custom Google Docs. In those articles, I demonstrate how to use various methods of DocumentApp to create custom Google Docs using Google Apps Script. In most of those examples, I use a method called replaceText that exists on […]
VCU is in the beginning stages of an LMS transition, and the instructional designers in our department are doing pretty much all of their professional development courses in Canvas now. Since everything still isn’t integrated with Banner, there is still some backend admin work to add users to our professional development account. Today I was […]
In this post, I’ll walk you through how to auto fill Google Doc templates with data pulled from a Google Spreadsheet using Google Apps Script. This tutorial is a follow-up of sort to Auto Fill a Google Doc from Google Form Submissions, so if what you want to do involves a form, that would be […]
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