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Have you ever had a conversation in your home and Siri turns on without you saying the activation phrase, “hey Siri”? Or maybe you’re discussing couch options with your spouse and all of a sudden you are seeing endless ads for couches even though you never searched for a couch on your phone. Well, it […]
Previously, there was a premium plugin brands to be able to add that feature to your WooCommerce store. Recently, the brands plugin was merged into WooCommerce core as part of the effort to bring more features into WooCommerce core; this was in a beta version. WooCommerce brands feature in WooCommerce core is being enabled for […]
WooCommerce has its own logging system, which was improved in the WooCommerce 8.6.0 release. WooCommerce logging is not the same as logging that WordPress generates when debugging is enabled on a site. The default method used for log storage is the file system, where the log files are stored on the server in the following […]
Here are the events I've attended and ones I'll be attending in the future (in bold).
Total: 1
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Marcus Burnette is employed by Bluehost. However, this site is an independent project created and managed solely by Marcus. This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by Bluehost and is dedicated to supporting the WordPress community.