🇺🇸 WordCamp US 2025

Oregon Convention Center, 777 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Portland, OR, USA

August 26, 2025 — August 29, 2025


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WordCamp forecast:

January 1, 1970 0°F / 0°F 0°C / 0°C
January 1, 1970 0°F / 0°F 0°C / 0°C
January 1, 1970 0°F / 0°F 0°C / 0°C
January 1, 1970 0°F / 0°F 0°C / 0°C
January 1, 1970 0°F / 0°F 0°C / 0°C
January 1, 1970 0°F / 0°F 0°C / 0°C

Number of expected attendees:

