Weston's local community (50 miles):
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I was surprised and delighted at the decision that WordCamp US would be held in my hometown of Portland, Oregon this year–and next year too! Since so many of my teammates and colleagues converge for this yearly event, I really hope everyone gets a chance to enjoy aspects of the city I love. To that […]
Something that has always annoyed me is how verbose it is to run WP-CLI commands in wp-env projects. For example, to list out all posts: The “npm run wp-env run cli” part I have to copy for each command, and I often forget the right order or miss a component. It gets worse when needing […]
Sometimes when I interrupt PHP unit tests in a wp-env environment I end up getting the database in a bad state so that the next time I try to run tests I get: I then have to re-remember what I do to fix this every time, so I’m blogging it so I won’t have to […]
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