Julian Stark

Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany Loading time...

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Steffen Dressler

Fellbach, Baden-Württemberg, Deutschland

22.9 miles away

Lucas Radke

Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

44.8 miles away

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Block Editor CSS

Weiterführende Links: https://rudrastyh.com/gutenberg/css.html https://css-tricks.com/getting-the-wordpress-block-editor-to-look-like-the-front-end-design/ https://wpblockz.com/tutorial/register-block-styles-in-wordpress/

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Bugfix: WordPress author.php 301 (Yoast Setting)

I had the problem that the author pages were all redirected to the homepage (301). Solution: This is the default setting of Yoast SEO and this is how you adjust it:

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Edit anything with the browser

Browser Console: Quelle: https://syntax.fm/show/419/js-one-liners

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