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We want slim phone but, equally, we want battery life. Something has to give. And usually it’s the battery. As a result, battery packs have been pretty ubiquitous. A few years ago, though, they were always tethered by a wire, and where to put the bulk battery pack whilst you were using it was always […]
In MacOS you can swipe left or right to cause a browser’s web page to move forward and back (also known as “overscrolling”). It can be a useful trick, but can also prove to be annoying. I’m in the latter camp. It can be turned off, but only from the command line.
Back in March of last year, I mentioned some issues I’d have with a plugin after passing it over for adoption. Well, the Plugin Review team handed it back to me, at my request but it came with some caveats which caused some headaches for some users… but not as big a headache as it […]
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