The local community around 🇵🇹 WordCamp Porto 2024 (120 miles):
Leça da Palmeira, Porto, Portugal
Galicia, Spain
Marín, Galicia, Spain
Agueda, Aveiro District, Portugal
Porto, Porto District, Portugal
Alfena, Porto, Portugal
Nigrán, Galicia, Spain
Entroncamento, Santarém District, Portugal
Pontevedra, Galicia, Spain
Pontevedra, Galicia, Spain
Pontevedra, Galicia, Spain
Porto, Porto District, Portugal
Puxeiros, Pontevedra, España
Boiro, Galicia, Spain
Vigo, España
Leça da Palmeira, Porto, Portugal
Aveiro District, Portugal
Recarei, Porto, Portugal
Aveiro, Aveiro District, Portugal
➡️ Do you know of any other WordPress folks in this area? Please encourage them to add themselves!
Check out the folks who attended 🇵🇹 WordCamp Porto 2024:
You can mark yourself as going to this camp in your account settings!
Wendy Baltodano
¿Cuáles son las estrategias DevOps más efectivas para el desarrollo web en WordPress?
Aplicar la filosofía DevOps para proyectos de WordPress para la optimización del flujo de trabajo. Estas son las estrategias a usar.
1. Usar de control de versiones
2. Automatizar las pruebas
3.Implementar integraciones
4.Optimizar el rendimiento y la escalabilidad
5.Supervisar y asegurar su sitio web
Torsten Landsiedel
How to manage an open source plugin with 700k active installations and no paid team
“In 2015, a group consisting of only four individuals, myself included, acquired ownership of a dozen plugins from Sergej Mueller, who decided to completely depart from WordPress. One of those plugins was “”Antispam Bee””.
After only one year the other three left and with great support from the community the group (“”pluginkollektiv””) has fluctuating team members over the following years.
Now, after 9 years, we raised the 200.000 active installations to 700.000 and “”Antispam Bee”” is still around. There is a big overhaul coming in v3 started at the Cloudfest Hackathon.
How do we have solved this without a paid team? Where do we have struggled? A history tour about great achievements and many mistakes.”
Freelancer em WordPress
Pretende-se dar uma visão geral da actividade de freelance e também apresentar conselhos/dicas para ser bem sucedido. Aqui vão algumas perguntas relacionadas:
Sérgio Silva
Como proteger o seu site contra as ameaças digitais
Descubra os segredos para proteger o seu site contra ameaças digitais, tudo de uma forma acessível, mesmo para aqueles sem conhecimentos avançados nestas matérias.
Vamos explorar as melhores práticas de segurança para manter uma presença online segura e protegida, aumentando as defesas digitais e garantindo a integridade do seu site.
Junte-se a nós nesta apresentação, onde abordaremos a segurança cibernética no universo do WordPress.
Pekka Kortelainen
The power is nothing without controls – let Linux tools and WP-CLI do the work for you
In this lightning session Pekka from Seravo introduces efficient methods of maintaining WordPress on a Linux platform combined with WP-CLI.
Pedro Carvalho
Git branch strategies: ‘Commit’ed to the flow’
Join us as we explore the reasons why the most used branching strategies stand out as awesome branching models for code development. We’ll look at gitFlow, githubFlow and gitlabFlow nuances. Over the years, I’ve adapted it to fit real life and multitudes of production/staging environments.
From its clear and structured branching strategy to enabling feature isolation, stable releases, and rapid hotfixes, these models promote Documentation and collaboration, and have gained widespread adoption.
We’ll showcase these features with real use cases and throw a few git aliases to make your life easy.
Miguel Santareno
Hunting Zero-days on WordPress plugins and making profit
Nesta talk será demonstrado o processo de detecção de vulnerabilidades em plugins do WordPress (zero-days) até à capitalização das mesmas, passando por processos de enumeração de alvos e reporting de vulnerabilidades através de plataformas de bug bounty.
Será ainda demonstrado o processo de atribuição de CVE de vulnerabilidades e disclosure da mesma, bem como o fix e o changelog por parte do fabricante dos plugins.
Mauricio Dinarte
Version control for WordPress with and without Composer
In this session you will learn practices for building a WordPress site using Git for version control. We will explore two scenarios: downloading/updating code manually using WP-CLI vs delegating package management to Composer. In addition to explaining how to include plugins and themes from the public repository, we will also discuss how to add premium extensions and private repositories. Finally, we will provide suggestions for deploying your WordPress site, setting up continuous integration/delivery (CI/CD) workflows, and integrating with hosting providers.
Anastasios Manoloudis
How to become a WooCommerce Core contributor (almost by accident!)
To better illustrate the value of open source software, and community. Contributing code to WooCommerce Core can be intimidating for a first-timer. Especially when one is not a programmer. (No AI tools utilized)
With development out in the open, it takes a lot of courage to submit a first PR (Pull Request).
The result was enabling support for WebP images in WooCommerce.
For the benefit of new and aspiring contributors, I’m sharing my experience making my first code contribution to WooCommerce.
Maggie Cabrera
What to expect from WordPress in the future? (Track 1)
To close WordCamp Porto 2024, we will host a with three core contributors to the WordPress project: Jorge Costa, Maggie Cabrera, and Miguel Fonseca, all employed by Automattic. They’ve played key roles in the block editor project and recent WordPress releases.
The panel will begin with a brief presentation from the trio, offering insights into their work and the latest developments in WordPress. This will set the stage for an open Q&A session, allowing attendees to interact directly with the panelists.
This session promises to be an informative conclusion to WordCamp Porto 2024, providing attendees with the opportunity to engage with prominent figures in the WordPress community and gain insights into the platform’s future.
Miguel Fonseca
What to expect from WordPress in the future? (Track 1)
To close WordCamp Porto 2024, we will host a with three core contributors to the WordPress project: Jorge Costa, Maggie Cabrera, and Miguel Fonseca, all employed by Automattic. They’ve played key roles in the block editor project and recent WordPress releases.
The panel will begin with a brief presentation from the trio, offering insights into their work and the latest developments in WordPress. This will set the stage for an open Q&A session, allowing attendees to interact directly with the panelists.
This session promises to be an informative conclusion to WordCamp Porto 2024, providing attendees with the opportunity to engage with prominent figures in the WordPress community and gain insights into the platform’s future.
Pedro Fonseca
Como criar um site em WordPress em 2024 (continuação)
Continuação do workshop Como criar um site em WordPress em 2024, após o coffee-break.
Como criar um site em WordPress em 2024
Sábado, 18 de Maio, 10:00 – 12:30
Já ouviste falar em WordPress mas nunca te atreveste a experimentar utilizá-lo? Este é o workshop ideal para ti.
Neste workshop vamos ajudar-te a criar o teu primeiro site em WordPress, desde a instalação até à publicação. Vais aprender o que é um tema, um plugin, uma taxonomia, um bloco, um template ou um conteúdo personalizado, e como juntar todas estas peças para publicares um site em WordPress.
Depois desta sessão de 2 horas serás capaz de:
Jorge Costa
What to expect from WordPress in the future? (Track 1)
To close WordCamp Porto 2024, we will host a with three core contributors to the WordPress project: Jorge Costa, Maggie Cabrera, and Miguel Fonseca, all employed by Automattic. They’ve played key roles in the block editor project and recent WordPress releases.
The panel will begin with a brief presentation from the trio, offering insights into their work and the latest developments in WordPress. This will set the stage for an open Q&A session, allowing attendees to interact directly with the panelists.
This session promises to be an informative conclusion to WordCamp Porto 2024, providing attendees with the opportunity to engage with prominent figures in the WordPress community and gain insights into the platform’s future.
Block Bindings e os seus casos de uso – como editar os customs fields tal como se de conteúdo se tratasse
Recentemente, o WordPress introduziu os block bindings, que essencialmente permitem especificar que um atributo de um bloco não é proveniente do próprio bloco, mas sim de uma fonte externa.
Por padrão, uma fonte externa oferecida é a meta source, que permite, por exemplo, associar o texto de um determinado parágrafo a um campo meta específico.
Nesta apresentação, vamos explorar o que são os block bindings, como criá-los e utilizá-los para oferecer novas interfaces aos utilizadores, simplificando a edição dos seus conteúdos e dados estruturados. Após esta apresentação, serás capaz de permitir aos utilizadores do teu site editar os campos personalizados de forma totalmente visual, utilizando uma interface moderna que tu próprio defines. Em vez de se limitarem a um formulário comum e genérico, os utilizadores terão uma experiência mais intuitiva e eficaz.
Valério Vaz
Como criar uma loja WooCommerce para influenciadores (continuação)
Continuação do workshop Como criar uma loja WooCommerce para influenciadores, após o coffee-break.
Como criar uma loja WooCommerce para influenciadores
Sábado, 18 de Maio, 15:00 – 17:30
Vamos fazer um workshop onde vamos criar uma loja de merchandising para um criador de conteúdos, solucionar problemas de stock e logística e que soluções existem para automatizar a maior parte do processo com ferramentas disponíveis para o mercado português.
Vamos validar a parte legal da loja, o que devemos ter obrigatoriamente no site e como podemos tratar da parte da faturação.
É um workshop de partilha de ideias, onde será sugerida uma solução e onde os participantes podem colocar desafios e questões livremente para discussão.
Para quem quiser implementar a solução sugerida terá de trazer computador e ter acesso a uma instalação de WordPress e WooCommerce num servidor online ou local, previamente já instalados.
Marko Heijnen
Mastering WordPress Deployment: Embracing Continuous Deployment Practices
Step into the world of continuous deployment for WordPress with us! In this session, we’ll guide you through the ins and outs of continuous deployment, tailored specifically for WordPress setups. From simplifying testing to effortlessly syncing with version control systems, discover how to make your deployment process smoother, minimize mistakes, and speed up development. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, this session offers down-to-earth insights and practical tips to level up your WordPress workflow and make development more enjoyable.
João P. Marques
Construção de Experiências Web Escaláveis com Gutenberg e Design Systems
A Veza é uma plataforma de Identity Security que optou pelo WordPress para permitir que a sua equipa de marketing com competências de design e desenvolvimento construa páginas, funcionalidades e conteúdo dinâmico de forma independente. Em cinco meses, a Pixelmatters desenvolveu um design system robusto, alinhado com uma estratégia de rebranding da Veza, e que resultou num sistema completo de blocos Gutenberg totalmente personalizados.
Exploraremos os detalhes do processo de transformação, destacando a importância do design system e a sua implementação com blocos do Gutenberg altamente personalizáveis. Esta abordagem corresponde ao desejo da Veza por elevada flexibilidade da sua equipa de marketing, o que resultou num projecto mais escalável e sustentável, com uma maior independência para fazer mudanças que vão muito para além do copy.
O Gutenberg está a tornar-se numa base sólida para criar experiências web altamente personalizadas e escaláveis, o que reduz a dependência de plugins e de terceiros.
Mila Grcic
SEO 2.0: A Guide for E-commerce Success with SGE and AI-Driven SEO Strategies
This presentation is designed for e-commerce professionals, digital marketers, SEO specialists, and business owners looking to understand Search Generative Experience, and how to efficiently and successfully implement it using AI tools.
Attendees will leave with a clear understanding on how to optimize their e-commerce sites for visibility in the new search engine experience.
Rade Jekic
Multisite demistified – can we use the WordPress as a SaaS?
I will share the knowledge that me and my team gathered in over 6 months using WordPress in Multisite mode.
You will learn pros and cons of that specific setup, and together we will try to answer the question – can we use WordPress as a SaaS?
Samuel Silva
Block Themes: The game changer that came to stay
Now, in 2024, 43% of the internet is fully editable by users. This milestone was achieved largely thanks to Block Themes – a revolutionary feature that represents a pivotal change in the WordPress ecosystem, transforming our approaches to website construction.
But what makes Block Themes a game changer that’s here to stay? We’ll explore the impact of FSE on theme development, user experience, and the broader WordPress ecosystem. Learn how it fosters innovation, streamlines the design process, and opens up new possibilities for creativity and efficiency.
At this presentation, we’ll dive into the possibilities the Block Themes brought to WordPress, where customization is seamlessly intuitive, profoundly flexible, and accessible to all.
You don’t need to have any technical background. If you are:
Join us to discover the full potential of the Block Themes together!
Carolina Osório
À descoberta dos CPT e de todo um novo mundo de customização do WordPress
Um ponto chave para a escolha do WordPress enquanto gestor de conteúdo é precisamente a sua enorme flexibilidade e ajuste às necessidades de cada projeto. Os Custom Post Types (CPT) são uma ferramenta incrível que abre a porta a todo um novo mundo de customização em qualquer projeto.
Nesta talk vamos descobrir o que são os CPT, como podemos criar conteúdos customizados e como esta ferramenta pode ser tão útil para acrescentar valor aos nossos projetos.
Woo Performance & Optimisation
Why is it crucial to consider performance and optimization? What tools are available for this purpose, and is automation possible?
Examples of actions / tools to avoid and strategies for preventing issues such as server downtime and dissatisfied clients.
How to do it? How to Start a New Routine and Stick To It.
The Accessibility Quest: walkthrough for success
The accessibility of the kingdom is in great danger, and the green-clad elf who usually solves all problems is nowhere to be found.
Hence, you, yes, you brave WordPress user, from this moment on this crucial responsibility rests on your shoulders. You must embark on a journey full of adventures and great dangers. The ultimate purpose of your expedition of virtuous practices shall be the reestablishment of the power of the four sacred principles and thus, the restoration of the divine balance that the WCAG deities gifted us, mere mortals.
In this travel guide, you’ll discover tips and strategies to defeat formidable enemies, restore the equity to Web access, and become the legendary hero—or heroine—of accessibility.
Vineet Talwar
Website Optimization: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Have you ever been captivated by a website’s stunning design and intuitive user experience, uttering a mesmerized “Wow!”? Or have you encountered a site that made you exclaim “Whuuuut?” and hastily click away? The difference between an exceptional and a lackluster website often lies in the nuances of website auditing and conversion optimization.
In this engaging session, we will explore the critical elements that can elevate or sink a website’s appeal. Focusing primarily on User Experience (UX), we’ll unravel the standards and measures that distinguish an impactful website from the mediocre. You will learn about the intricacies of UX, including design, performance, and security, and how these aspects intertwine to shape the overall user journey.
We’ll also get into real-time examples to illustrate how businesses can significantly enhance user experience and, consequently, transform casual browsers into loyal customers. Expect a lively and insightful discussion on improving websites with a keen eye on user behavior and strategies to boost conversions. Whether you’re a business owner, web developer, or digital enthusiast, this talk will equip you with practical insights to optimize your website for the better. Join us for a session filled with valuable takeaways, interactive discussions, and the opportunity to elevate your website from good to great—or save it from being downright ugly!
Santiago Alonso
7 automatizaciones para WordPress más inteligentes que un chatbot
Tengo un dato basado en mi experiencia: más del 90% de las veces que se implementa un chatbot para ganar tiempo… no tenía sentido implementar un chatbot.
En esta charla contaré hasta 7 ideas reales de automatizaciones con WordPress y WooCommerce que pueden aportar mucho más a un negocio que automatizar la atención al cliente.
Automatizar para humanizar es mi lema de vida.
Segurança WordPress no dia a dia: casos reais e soluções simples.
Nesta apresentação, vamos olhar para casos reais que acontecem diariamente sobre (a falta de) segurança no WordPress.
Depois, vamos analisar as soluções disponíveis, não só dentro do universo WordPress como também através de soluções que podem ser implementadas dentro do próprio servidor.
Vamos ainda discutir práticas recomendadas para manutenção e atualização de sites e como podes educar-te para gerires melhor o teu site.
Sabrina Zeidan
One single reason why your Core Web Vitals are not passing
The problem with website performance is that it depends on loads of factors.
It can be that your server resources are not enough for the website’s needs. Or enough, but not configured properly.
It can be media on your website loading at the wrong time, or in the wrong size, or in the wrong format. It can be an icon font loading 300KB of data while it’s only 1 single 1KB icon that is actually being used. It can be an inefficiently built slider, or popup, or media player, or menu module that is loading its assets not at the right time, or loading too many of them. It can be a slow response from the 3rd party that your website depends on to load its data properly.
It can be literally anything. Or a compound effect of a few.
But at the very core, there is just one single reason why your Core Web Vitals are not passing.
I see it all the time with my clients, with both those who are developers and those who are not. Despite the fact that they invest a lot of time and money in website performance, often the results don’t seem to be worth the effort. Most of the disappointment comes from the fact that people are solving problems that have an insignificant to zero impact on website performance. Getting small results creates this frustration around website performance and the stereotype of it being a black box that only a few “chosen ones” can open.
This is absolutely not true. In this talk, I will show how to identify the right problem to fix and target your efforts efficiently to pass Core Web Vitals.
And who knows, maybe afterwards, you would agree that performance optimization is a fun and extremely rewarding game to play.
Maciej Nowak
WordPress security VIP: what are the Very Important Practices that will let you sleep tight at night
In a landscape where more than 40% of websites are powered by WordPress, its sheer size makes it an attractive target for hackers. It’s our collective professional duty to enhance the security of the WordPress ecosystem as much as possible, for the sake of our clients and for WordPress itself.
During this talk, Maciej will cover:
1. The Hacker’s Mindset: Ever wondered what drives someone to target a website? Whether it’s for financial gain, the challenge, or just the thrill of it, we’ll explore the motivations of these cyber attackers to help you better protect your site.
2. Securing Your Digital Domain: I’ll share real-world examples of security breaches. Learn from both the successes and mistakes of others to bolster your defenses.
3. WordPress Security Fundamentals: Uncover the essential security measures every WordPress site owner should implement.
4. Best Practices for Enhanced Security: It’s not about heroics; it’s about consistency.
5. Your Security Toolkit: The right tools can make all the difference. Discover the essential security tools
6. OWASP overview and what it can teach your
By the end of this session, you won’t just be aware of the dangers lurking in the digital shadows; you’ll be equipped with the knowledge, tools, and practices needed to shield your website.
Get ready to enhance your WordPress security with confidence and perhaps enjoy the process too. Let’s embark on this essential journey to secure our digital assets and make the internet a safer place, one WordPress site at a time.
João Nascimento
Como uma startup alemã usa WordPress para validar os seus produtos
Explicar o caso de estudo da uma startup alemã que utiliza WordPress como frontend para integrar com os seus produtos próprios e o porquê de acelerar o teste a esses mesmos produtos.
¿Hacemos un proyecto web en WordPress accesible?
En esta ponencia hablo cómo podemos hacer una web en WordPress accesible desde la persectiva del desarrollo. Hablaré de cómo fue mi proceso para pensar más en los usuarios y que todos tengamos el mismo derecho a consumir contenido.
In this presentation, I talk about how we can make a website in WordPress accessible from a development perspective. I will discuss my process of thinking more about users and how everyone has the same right to consume content.
Emad Sharaki
Implementing an SEO-Friendly Headless WordPress Architecture
Emad will discuss the essentials of integrating headless WordPress with robust SEO practices.
This concise session targets WordPress developers and SEO professionals aiming to balance headless CMS’s performance benefits with maintaining strong search engine visibility.
Learn to navigate SEO challenges specific to headless setups, such as content rendering and structured data management without traditional WordPress plugins. Key highlights include server-side rendering (SSR) strategies, dynamic rendering, SEO-friendly URL structuring, and Core Web Vitals optimization.
Gain insights into essential tools and plugins that facilitate SEO in a headless environment. Leave equipped to enhance your WordPress site’s flexibility and speed without sacrificing SEO performance.
Joana Correia
Typography Talk: Making Your WordPress Site Pop!
Hey WordPress devs! Ready to jazz up your sites? Let’s talk typography! In this session, we’re diving into why typography is your secret sauce for creating killer WordPress websites.
We’ll keep it real and show you why font choices and spacing ain’t just for looks. They affect how users feel about your site and whether they stick around. Plus, we’ll spill the beans on how to make your text look good on any device, ‘cause nobody likes squinting at tiny font on their phone.
Come hang out, grab some tips, and level up your WordPress game with typography tricks that’ll make your site stand out from the crowd. See you there!
Fred Rocha
A presença online de uma redação de jornalismo independente apoiada pela comunidade
No espírito de transparência radical que orienta o trabalho do Fumaça, o Fred mostra quais as peças que constituem a instalação do WordPress do, e que papel têm na gestão e crescimento da comunidade (que financia o projecto).
Falamos de algumas das decisões tomadas pela redação que melhor servem a divulgação e consumo das reportagens de jornalismo lento em podcast.
Testing the WordPress Waters: A quick dive into plugin integration testing
Today automated tests are a common solution in the software industry however it is not that widely used in the WordPress one.
This speech will be aimed to help the attendees the importance of the tests but also the different traps that are on your way while writing tests and the solutions that could be used to tackle them (which involves also some ways to help them convince their company to give it a try).
The first part will mostly focus on the theory on how to implement useful tests but will also focus on integration testing and why I consider that they should start by implementing these tests rather than others.
Once the theory is done the second part of the speech is going to focus on practice showing the attendees how to rapidly set up a test environment for Integration tests for a WordPress plugin.
This will be complemented by a couple of scenarios to test and their matching solutions to test them.
Finally the talk will conclude on an opening about the creation of correct unit tests by using double loop TDD.
Simplificando o WordPress para Empresas: Construindo Temas e Plugins Customizados com Sinergia de Equipe
Desenvolver soluções customizadas para clientes empresariais no WordPress pode parecer uma tarefa extremamente difícil, esta palestra servirá para dismistificar esse processo, realçando a simplificação dos processos de backend e a criação de ferramentas que facilitam o uso e escalabilidade para as empresas, bem como a importância da colaboração entre equipes multidisciplinares, incluindo designers e engenheiros de software, para o desenvolvimento de projetos bem-sucedidos.
A palestra incidirá sobre a abordagem metodológica do desenvolvimento, desde a concepção até a implementação, e a importância de manter práticas de codificação eficientes e sustentáveis. A palestra também abordará a gestão de projetos e técnicas de comunicação eficaz para garantir a coesão e alinhamento entre os membros da equipe.
Além disso, serão compartilhadas as estratégias para liderança e gestão de equipe no contexto do desenvolvimento de soluções WordPress para o segmento empresarial, baseadas em experiências pessoais. O objetivo é motivar desenvolvedores e líderes de equipe a ver os desafios com clientes empresariais como oportunidades de crescimento e inovação. Esta apresentação visa inspirar a comunidade WordPress, compartilhando conhecimentos e práticas para o desenvolvimento de soluções eficazes e customizadas para empresas.
Ana Aires
Doutor Finanças um caso de sucesso: a história da evolução do seu Portal até aos dias de hoje
O Doutor Finanças é uma marca maioritariamente digital, em constante evolução e desenvolvimento, em que a sua face mais visível e porta de entrada para o negócio é o seu portal.
Fazer o re-branding de uma marca como esta, que já é considerada uma Love Brand, traz cuidados acrescidos, pois implica pensá-la de forma transversal, garantindo que se criam as bases certas para que ela possa crescer, sem perder coerência. O re-design de um portal com mais de 1,5 milhões de sessões/mês de uma marca já estabelecida tem os seus desafios.
É precisamente essa a história que vos quero contar, a evolução do portal do Doutor Finanças ao longo destes 10 anos de existência, e como esse caminho e o processo actual de re-design tem influenciado a marca.
These are the people that make this event happen. They work tirelessly for weeks and months to plan, coordinate, and execute the best event possible. If you get a chance to thank them, please do!
Tiago Vasconcelos (+ add me)
Slobodan Manic (+ add me)
Samuel Silva (+ add me)
Rúben Martins (+ add me)
Raul Pina (+ add me)
Pedro Carvalho (+ add me)
Paulo Lima (+ add me)
Marco Pereirinha (+ add me)
Luis Godinho (+ add me)
Fernanda Silva (+ add me)
Fabio Biocchetti (+ add me)
Carolina Osório Pinho (+ add me)
Carlos Miguel Silva (+ add me)
António Carreira (+ add me)
António Almeida (+ add me)
Attendees (0 ratings)
Be the first attendee!Overall ExperienceHow would you rate the overall experience of the event? Overall Experience | — |
Topic CoverageWas there a variety of topics to choose from? Topic Coverage | — |
Session QualityHow interesting and polished were the sessions? Session Quality | — |
Speaker DiversityWas there diverse representation in the speaker lineup? Speaker Diversity | — |
Venue QualityHow was the cleanliness and layout of the venue? If online, how was the video platform? Venue Quality | — |
Food QualityHow would you rate the food quality? Thinks lunches, coffee breaks, and afterparty. Food Quality | — |
AffordabilityWas this event affordable for you? Affordability | — |
Networking OpportunitiesWere there networking opportunities? Think about parties, hallway track, and event attendance. Networking Opportunities | — |
Sponsor RepresentationWas there a variety of different kinds of sponsors in attendance? Sponsor Representation | — |
Speakers (0 ratings)
Be the first speaker!Overall ExperienceHow would you rate the overall experience of the event? Overall Experience | — |
Organizer CommunicationHow well did the organizers communicate about the event? Organizer Communication | — |
Venue QualityHow was the cleanliness and layout of the venue? If online, how was the video platform? Venue Quality | — |
Food QualityHow would you rate the food quality? Think speaker/sponsor dinner, lunches, and afterparty. Food Quality | — |
Session AttendanceWere the sessions well attended? How about your session? Session Attendance | — |
AffordabilityWas it affordable for you to speak at this event? Affordability | — |
Sponsors (0 ratings)
Be the first sponsor!Overall ExperienceHow would you rate the overall experience of the event? Overall Experience | — |
Organizer CommunicationHow well did the organizers communicate about the event? Organizer Communication | — |
Proximity to AttendeesWas the sponsor area in a high-traffic location? Proximity to Attendees | — |
Venue QualityHow was the cleanliness and layout of the venue? If online, how was the video platform? Venue Quality | — |
Affordability/ValueWas it affordable for you to sponsor this event? Do you feel like you got value in return? Affordability/Value | — |
Event AttendanceHow well was this event attended? Do you feel there were enough people to justify your presence? Event Attendance | — |
WordCamp Porto 2024 is a conference aimed at users, programmers and enthusiasts of WordPress, the most popular CMS in the world. However, the program has themes linked to web development in general, with topics such as SEO, marketing, security, online commerce, among others.
Join the Portuguese WordPress community at this unique event. An opportunity to deepen your knowledge, contribute to the open-source project and network with your community in a safe and welcoming space.
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