
Edifício Núcleo Central, 100, 2740-122 Porto Salvo, Portugal

Point of Contact

Nuno Morgadinho

Widgilabs is a leading Enterprise WordPress agency based in Lisbon, Portugal. With a portfolio that includes big brands such as Observador, ECO.pt, Forbes Portugal, UNICEF Portugal, Unbabel, Seedrs, ANACOM, Agenda Cultural de Lisboa, Travideo, and Uniplaces, among others, they have established themselves as a reliable and innovative partner for businesses looking to create outstanding websites and digital experiences.

In addition to their technical expertise, Widgilabs is known for their active involvement in the WordPress Portuguese community and their support of previous editions of WordCamp Lisboa. They have played many roles in the community, including co-organizers, sponsors, speakers, and volunteers.

At Widgilabs, the team values both innovation and collaboration. Their technical expertise is matched by their friendliness and approachability, making them a great partner for businesses of all sizes.

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Point of Contact

Nuno Morgadinho