Seriously, BUD?

A Podcast of Unexpected Stories by People in The WP World

Seriously, BUD? is all about exploring the life stories of people in the WordPress community. Hosted by Bud Kraus, it’s not your typical tech talk — it’s about the unique journeys, passions, and experiences that shape the people behind the scenes.

Latest Episodes

Aaron Campbell

Aaron Campbell

An unexpected conversation with an outgoing introvert who lives in the middle of nowhere.

Listen to the Episode
Piccia Neri

Piccia Neri

An unexpected conversation with a woman who is Tuscan forever, no matter where she lives.

Listen to the Episode
Topher DeRosia

Topher DeRosia

An unexpected conversation with a Michigander who knows a good story when he sees one and can tell a few too.

Listen to the Episode

Meet the host

Bud Kraus has a knack for inviting members of the WordPress Community to tell their stories through engaging, unanticipated conversations.