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因為之前曾經有 Type C 線插下去沒什麼反應每次都在找說明書跟充電到底是亮什麼燈決定直接發表到部落格上來才不會每次花一堆時間找! Bebird D3 Pro 充電 說明書 產品影片 就是在最後 0:52 秒的時候確認充電是亮綠色的燈。平常開機的時候是藍色的燈。
WordCamp, in a couple of words: a big, friendly get-together for the WordPress community. Sounds pretty extroverted. So here’s how I, an introvert, navigated through attending my first WordCamp and eventually became a volunteer at my second WordCamp. Special kudos to Matt’s birthday post, a massive motivation for publishing this post! Happy Birthday Attending […]
公告:之後會以主題的方式呈現,而不是 Week X 來呈現了! 之前的前幾篇文章 Week 是對照 Arizona State University TESOL Professional Certificate | Coursera 8 門系列課程中的第一門課的第幾週為主。但沒想到自己已經撐到第二門課了!
Here are the events I've attended and ones I'll be attending in the future (in bold).
Total: 3
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