Ability for Pressers to indicate they spoke at an event
It would be nice to have the ability to manually indicate a past event that you spoke at. The site is great about filling in new/recent event speakers, but there’s no way to backdate your speaking history.
Ability for Pressers to designate events that they helped organize or volunteered at
Ability for Pressers to designate events that they helped organize or volunteered at.
Keep track of WordCamps you’ve been to
I’d love to be able to keep track of a list of WordCamps that I’ve been to on this site. The idea is that I could also share those with others and be able to reconnect with folks who also went to the same WordCamp.
Update profile picture without using Gravatar
Not everyone has or wants Gravatar to be used. It would be amazing to be able to upload a profile picture without depending on Gravatar
Current time on Presser profiles
Show the current time on Presser profiles for better communication.
WP Photo Directory photos/count on profiles
Show the number of photos (and maybe the last 10 uploaded?) to the WordPress Photo Directory