Check out the folks who attended WordCamp Zürich 2019:
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Corinne Ulrich
Page und Theme Builder Elementor (DE)
Elementor ist der erfolgreiche Newcomer unter den Page und Theme Builders. In dieser Session zeigen Haeme Ulrich und sein Team die Grundlagen des Page Builders. Sie gehen auch darauf ein, wie eigene Templates (Themes) mit Elementor gemacht werden können.
Joshy Merki
Page und Theme Builder Elementor (DE)
Elementor ist der erfolgreiche Newcomer unter den Page und Theme Builders. In dieser Session zeigen Haeme Ulrich und sein Team die Grundlagen des Page Builders. Sie gehen auch darauf ein, wie eigene Templates (Themes) mit Elementor gemacht werden können.
Robert Windisch
Build, maintain and sell a WordPress Plugin – Lessons learned (DE)
We gained experience by building several WordPress plugins and offer them for free or selling them on different platforms. I will tell you the story of our MultilingualPress plugin and what we learned by developing a Multilingual Plugin.
Schema, Google & The Future of the Web (EN)
A world of structured data promises us an incredible future. But most websites struggle to even implement basic markup. Fewer still represent and connect their pages and content in sophisticated, structured graphs. We can’t reach that incredible future without increasing and improving adoption.
To move forward, we need to make constructing rich structured data as easy as writing a recipe. This isn’t a pipe dream: at Yoast, we think we’ve solved schema for everybody, everywhere. We’d love to share our story.
Haeme Ulrich
Page und Theme Builder Elementor (DE)
Elementor ist der erfolgreiche Newcomer unter den Page und Theme Builders. In dieser Session zeigen Haeme Ulrich und sein Team die Grundlagen des Page Builders. Sie gehen auch darauf ein, wie eigene Templates (Themes) mit Elementor gemacht werden können.
Alberto Medina
Progressive WordPress: bringing modern open web solutions to WordPress (EN)
Succeeding as a WordPress publisher entails many elements, including timely and engaging content, knowing your audience, outstanding SEO, listening to your users, amplifying your content, and others. In this talk, we cover the notion of Progressive WordPress which Google has been heavily involved in for the past 3 years. That is, bringing modern open web solutions to WordPress.
Martin Sauter
Mehrsprachige Websites mit WordPress (DE)
WordPress unterstützt zwar die Lokalisierung von Websites, aber keine mehrsprachigen Websites. Erst Plugins wie WPML, Polylang oder MultilingualPress machen WordPress mehrsprachig – und verfolgen dabei sehr unterschiedliche Ansätze. In dieser Session geht es einerseits darum, wie man eine WordPress-Website lokalisiert (inkl. Übersetzung von Language Packs), und andererseits darum, wie sich der Übersetzungsprozess mit den verschiedenen Mehrsprachigkeits-Plugins gestaltet.
Faster Support – From Both Sides (EN)
Andras has been working in a dedicated support role for 3.5 years, during which he saw the ins and outs of support. Quick and easy help with fast resolution, as well as long conversations, miscommunication, frustrating issues, angry clients, escalations, and parting. In his talk Andras will give some tips and guidance to both parties — the support agents and the clients — on how providing and asking for support can be made a faster and better experience.
Rafi Hazera (Zukkihund)
🤡 Why Internet Explorer 6.0 is still the best browser on the market (EN)
Zukkihund is a graphic designer and comedian from Zurich. He creates WordPress websites for small businesses and intends to recklessly utilise Zurich WordCamp 2019 for venting personal issues.
⚡️ There’s more to life than WordPress: 20 years of experience in 10 minutes (EN)
We’re all big fans of WordPress – I’ve been using it since the very first version and love it. But getting to know other technical solutions will help you to learn many more new things, be inspired by alternative systems, and help you to build better websites with WordPress. In my talk, I’ll share some of the experiences I’ve gained as a CMS developer, website builder, content manager and blogger since the late 1990s.
Enrik Berisha
Pains and Gains with WooCommerce (DE)
WooCommerce rocks! Sure! But there are also some big pains which comes with it. Multilanguage, Multicurrency, Multistock-Management and POS are just some points which have caused a lot of headache in our agency. Forget about bulk price, caching and 3rd-Party-Plugins. This talk focuses on the pains and gains we had as an agency building a complex e-commerce projects based on WooCommerce. It will not contain any coding examples, but it will have some technical content, for instance AJAX, performance and caching.
Kerstin Müller
Hirn trifft Webseite – und wie du deine Besucher überzeugen kannst (DE)
Um heute mit unserer Webseite und einem Angebot zu überzeugen, müssen wir uns gegen fast unendlich viele Suchergebnisse durchsetzen. Da reicht es nicht mehr einfach nur, unser Angebot zu platzieren, sondern wir müssen uns vor allem mit den Bedürfnisse unserer Besucher auseinandersetzen. Um unsere Besucher besser verstehen zu können, sollten wir begreifen wie unser Gehirn funktioniert und wie wir Menschen uns durchs Netz bewegen. Es fällt uns dann leichter unsere Webseite zu planen und zu gestalten. Denn unser Gehirn hat seine eigenen Regeln und die gilt es zu beachten. Ich zeige dir anhand von Beispielen, was du tun kannst und wie du deinen Content mit einfachen Mitteln anpasst, damit deine Besucher das auf deiner Webseite tun, was du gerne möchtest. Frei nach dem Motto: Zwing mich nicht zum Denken 😊
CSS Grid in the wild (EN)
Since CSS Grid was introduced in modern browsers in 2017, developers finally are able to create complex layouts with less code. CSS Grid works a bit differently than the CSS frameworks developers are used to, so there’s a learning curve to get it. In this talk I want to show some examples how to use CSS Grid on websites, including either support or fallback layouts for Internet Explorer 10 and 11. Because this shouldn’t be an excuse anymore not to use CSS Grid today!
Nico Martin
A brief introduction to A11y (DE)
There is a very common misconception when it comes to accessibility. For most of us, it’s some kind of black box where we know about the importance, but mostly we grant it a very low priority. But I have some good news for you: the web is accessible by default! And this talk describes the most common mistakes we have to watch out for when we choose or develop a theme.
Michael Hörnlimann
⚡️ Vom Agentur-Büro in die ortsunabhängige Selbständigkeit mit WordPress (DE)
Mein Wandel der letzten zwei Jahre. Vom fixen Job in einer Webagentur in eine ungewisse Zukunft der Selbständigkeit. Doch was hat bei mir eigentlich den Ausschlag für die Veränderung gegeben? Ein Vortrag über Disziplin, Freiheit und den Wunsch, einfach mal etwas Neues auszuprobieren.
⚡️ Building a news aggregator with WordPress – Why and how! (EN)
Discover how you can use WordPress to build an aggregator that will allow you to stay on top of the news on a given topic with limited time. We will cover the technical setup, how to find sources, the editorial work, and the ways you can spread the news. The example of, a feminist news aggregator for French-speaking Switzerland.
Dorian Warning
⚡️ Die dunkle Seite der Conversion-Optimierung (DE)
In diesem Vortrag, wirst Du erfahren, was Dark Patterns sind, wie sie eingesetzt werden und warum Du sie definitiv nicht einsetzen solltest. Selbst wenn, sie Deine Konversion Rate kurzfristig optimieren könnten.
Thierry Muller
Progressive WordPress: bringing modern open web solutions to WordPress (EN)
Succeeding as a WordPress publisher entails many elements, including timely and engaging content, knowing your audience, outstanding SEO, listening to your users, amplifying your content, and others. In this talk, we cover the notion of Progressive WordPress which Google has been heavily involved in for the past 3 years. That is, bringing modern open web solutions to WordPress.
Simona Simionato
⚡️ Public speaking: dispel the myths and tips for success (EN)
In this talk, we will face the false myths that discourage many people to apply as a speaker and some technique to overcome stage anxiety.
Claudia Kramer
Taking Analytics to the Dance Floor (EN)
Your marketing and SEO efforts are paying off: there’s movement on the dance floor (aka traffic on your WP website)! But who’s dancing and who’s leaving the party too soon? Let’s invite analytics to the stage and discover its power – so you can rock it!
Janine Videva
Usability and User Experience of Immersive Web VR Platforms (EN)
VR is starting to approach the mainstream audience especially through the use of web VR, therefore becoming a new tool for communication. As a result, it becomes imperative to research usability and user experience of web VR platforms, even though standards and guidelines on the topic are still missing. This session will present my research on the topic, highlighting the importance of usability and user experience in new technologies.
Daniel Gordon
⚡️ Enhancing your WP Admin Panel (EN)
In this talk, we will review a series of code snippets designed to make the WordPress Admin Panel a custom place, powerful and easy to use, and all without using plugins. After this talk, you will want to add it to your toolbox for reuse in each site. Simple tasks, such as adding a logo and customizing the login screen, making the content editor reflect the appearance of your site and adding your company’s contact information on each page and then to the more complex task of adding fields Classifiers and filters to navigate better content in the back-end, as well as the creation of widgets in the WordPress welcome panel.
Simon Kraft
WordPress for Future – a smarter, leaner and more efficient web (EN)
Every time, you load a website — even this one — a certain amount of carbon is emitted to the atmosphere. These emissions are tied to the amount of energy consumed in the process of delivering the websites content to your browser. Let’s explore options for both, reducing your own websites greenhouse gas emissions and helping others to do the same by making a third of the web smarter, leaner and more efficient.
These are the people that make this event happen. They work tirelessly for weeks and months to plan, coordinate, and execute the best event possible. If you get a chance to thank them, please do!
Nick Weisser (+ add me)
Petra Wildemann (+ add me)
Marc Wieland (+ add me)
Christian Zumbrunnen (+ add me)
Ulrich Pogson (+ add me)
Mariam Saleh (+ add me)
Pascal Birchler (+ add me)
Michael Hörnlimann (+ add me)
Andrew Liyanage (+ add me)
Details TBD.
Attendees (0 ratings)
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Topic CoverageWas there a variety of topics to choose from? Topic Coverage | — |
Session QualityHow interesting and polished were the sessions? Session Quality | — |
Speaker DiversityWas there diverse representation in the speaker lineup? Speaker Diversity | — |
Venue QualityHow was the cleanliness and layout of the venue? If online, how was the video platform? Venue Quality | — |
Food QualityHow would you rate the food quality? Thinks lunches, coffee breaks, and afterparty. Food Quality | — |
AffordabilityWas this event affordable for you? Affordability | — |
Networking OpportunitiesWere there networking opportunities? Think about parties, hallway track, and event attendance. Networking Opportunities | — |
Sponsor RepresentationWas there a variety of different kinds of sponsors in attendance? Sponsor Representation | — |
Speakers (0 ratings)
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Organizer CommunicationHow well did the organizers communicate about the event? Organizer Communication | — |
Venue QualityHow was the cleanliness and layout of the venue? If online, how was the video platform? Venue Quality | — |
Food QualityHow would you rate the food quality? Think speaker/sponsor dinner, lunches, and afterparty. Food Quality | — |
Session AttendanceWere the sessions well attended? How about your session? Session Attendance | — |
AffordabilityWas it affordable for you to speak at this event? Affordability | — |
Sponsors (0 ratings)
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Organizer CommunicationHow well did the organizers communicate about the event? Organizer Communication | — |
Proximity to AttendeesWas the sponsor area in a high-traffic location? Proximity to Attendees | — |
Venue QualityHow was the cleanliness and layout of the venue? If online, how was the video platform? Venue Quality | — |
Affordability/ValueWas it affordable for you to sponsor this event? Do you feel like you got value in return? Affordability/Value | — |
Event AttendanceHow well was this event attended? Do you feel there were enough people to justify your presence? Event Attendance | — |
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