These are the people that make this event happen. They work tirelessly for weeks and months to plan, coordinate, and execute the best event possible. If you get a chance to thank them, please do!
Juanjo Hernanz
Arantxa Sáenz
Laura Santabárbara
Edubris Mora
Laura Cebollada Gaudioso
Héctor Izquierdo Bartolí
Israel Escuer
Susana Ibáñez Embid
No restaurants or bars have been recommended for this event. Be the first!
No attractions have been recommended for this event. Be the first!
No accommodations have been recommended for this event. Be the first!
Know of an interesting place for folks to eat, drink, or have fun near this event? Add a recommendation using the button below!
¡Bienvenidos a WordCamp Zaragoza 2025!
Sumérgete en el evento de WordPress más innovador del año, dedicado a explorar el impacto de la Inteligencia Artificial en el mundo del desarrollo web, la creación de contenido y el diseño.
Este 2025, WordCamp Zaragoza te ofrece un espacio único donde la comunidad de WordPress se une para aprender, inspirarse y compartir conocimientos.
Disfruta de ponencias de expertos en IA aplicada a WordPress, talleres prácticos, mesas redondas y mucho más.
Ya seas desarrollador, diseñador, Social Media, emprendedor o empresario, descubre cómo la inteligencia artificial revolucionará y mejorará tu forma de trabajar con WordPress.
🇪🇸 WordCamp Zaragoza 2024 | |
Overall rating | 5 stars |
270 tickets sold | 225 expected attendees |
🇪🇸 WordCamp Zaragoza 2023 | |
239 tickets sold | 225 expected attendees |
🇪🇸 WordCamp Zaragoza 2020 | |
203 tickets sold | About 300 people expected attendees |
WordCamp Zaragoza 2019 | |
WordCamp Zaragoza 2018 | |
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Marcus Burnette is employed by Bluehost. However, this site is an independent project created and managed solely by Marcus. This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by Bluehost and is dedicated to supporting the WordPress community.