Check out the folks who attended WordCamp Zagreb 2017:
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Božica Brkan
Lijepo pisanje
Danas mnogi nažalost zapostavljaju vještinu lijepog pisanja, a uz kreativnost ona je jedna od ključnih vještina za uspjeh svih koji objavljuju tekstualni sadržaj na bilo kojoj postojećoj platformi. U Večernjem listu znaju koliko je lijepo pisanje važno te niti u najgorim kriznim vremenima nisu odustali od ničega što bi utjecalo na razinu pismenosti. U Večernjem članke pišu i pisci te se u svakom segmentu djelovanja njeguje hrvatski jezik. Na ovom workshopu naučite kako pridobiti čitatelje stilom i pismenim izražavanjem.
Napomena: Ovo je inicijalni opis radionice koju će umjesto Gorana Gerovca koji je spriječen, održati Božica Brkan.
Nevena Tomović
[English] The Irresistible Power of Strategic Storytelling
The aim of this course is to help you in your first steps of online content writing, by focusing on strategic storytelling. You will learn through examples, so get ready to write your own story! By working on case studies you will apply storytelling to real life business scenarios. You will be provided with quality resources and ideas on how to write engaging stories, hook your reader, and draw them in to take the call to action.
These skills are your first stepping stone towards any online writing and marketing. This course will set you up for future copywriting and professional blogging. You will also be able to start your own blog successfully, and write for external business blogs.
Luca Sartoni
[English] The Art of Public Speaking
Public Speaking requires technique and preparation. This workshop will provide an easy workflow to follow to prepare your next presentation. It will help you overcome stage fright and will make everybody able to prepare an effective presentation and an outstanding stage performance. Luca Sartoni has been training industry leaders for over a decade, helping them unleash their presentation skills.
Dario Markas
Uređivanje internetskog portala
U ovoj radionici predstavit ćemo alate koji se koriste kod uređivanja top news portala u Hrvatskoj, filozofije neovisnih portala i vezanih uz neki drugi medij. Razgovarat ćemo o promjenama kod zakonitosti uređivanja portala zadnjih deset godina, što je najbitnije u ovom trenutku i što će biti bitno sutra. Radionica je namijenjena svima kojima se posao barem malim dijelom veže uz internetske portale u Hrvatskoj, pa naravno i za blogere koji žele da im sadržaj završi na news portalima.
Marko Hrnjak
Vizualizacija podataka uz Google Data studio
U sklopu radionice Vizualizacija podataka uvest ću vas u svijet Google Data Studija – alata koji omogućuje stvaranje dinamičnih, vizualno privlačnih izvješća i nadzornih ploča. Pokazat ću kako koristeći Google Data Studio možete jednostavno povezati različite izvore podataka,vizualizirati podatke kroz atraktivne, dinamične i interaktivne izvještaje i nadzorne ploče, dijeliti izvještaje i surađivati s drugima izvorima podataka.
Konrad Leon Toldy
Moj prvi WordPress plugin
U sklopu radionice Moj prvi plugin kreirat ćemo plugin koji će biti spojen s bazom podataka o vremenskoj prognozi i to u realnom vremenu. Korisnik će po aktivaciji plugina u administratorskom dijelu WordPressa moći odabrati željeni grad te prikaz temperature u stupnjevima celzijusa. Nakon odabira željenih parametara isti će se prikazati na web stranici u gornjem desnom kutu, a prikaz će se sastojati od grada i trenutačne temperature u tom gradu.
Tomislav Čukelj
Moderni razvoj web stranica
Brz i efikasan razvoj ključ je razvitka kvalitetnih WordPress projekata. Radionica će pokazati kako se može postići moderan razvoj WordPress stranica upotrebom raznih alata, jezika i praksi. Teme koje će se prolaziti na radionici su iduće:
Tomislav Negulić
Naučite kako koristiti WordPress (radionica za djecu)
Osnove WordPressa (radionica za odrasle)
Svaka priča pa tako i ona sa radom u WordPressu mora imati početak. Gdje i kako započeti sa radom u WordPressu saznati će te u ovoj radionici. Od osnovnih postavki sustava, podešavanja navigacije, izbornika, widgeta pa do instalacije dodataka i tema. Nakon radionice izrada osnovne strukture stranice vam neće bit problem, a i otkriti će te tajnu kako odabrati pravu temu prema Vašem zamišljenom dizajnu. Upustiti se u svijet WordPresa će biti puno lakši nakon ove radionice.
Goran Jakovljević
Building and Selling Premium WordPress plugins
For last five months, with zero marketing, I had one sale a day with a plugin I built in three days and a site built over night. So in this talk, I’ll give an overview of whats needed to start building and selling Premium WordPress plugins.
Ante Šepić
Nela Dunato
[English] Learn how to use WordPress (workshop for kids)
The workshop’s main goal is to enable each child to create a personal website and learn how to manage its content. All children work with volunteer experts who help them through the initial setup and guide them through creating different types of content which they need to think of themselves.
The workshop is a great exercise in creative use of technology, and combines skills in writing, completing the text with visual elements, creating image galleries, and finding and embedding video content.
During the introductions, each child will have a chance to introduce themselves to the group, and share their favorite interests and hobbies. They’ll be able to choose one of these interests to be a topic of their personal website. If the children want to choose the topic of their website ahead of time, we encourage them to bring along some of their original photos (for example, of their pet) that they might use in this project. (It’s best to bring them on a USB drive.)
Each child will be taken through the steps of setting up a site on with a volunteer displaying the steps on a computer connected to a screen so each child can follow each step.
At the end, we’ll do a “show and tell” session where each child will present their website and have a couple of minutes to talk about it. Children are encouraged to keep updating their websites after the workshop.
The Human-Centered Brand
Branding advice for corporations and startups doesn’t work for service-oriented businesses, such as freelancers and agencies. Human-centered branding excels where corporate and personal branding both fall short. In this talk, you’ll get practical tips on how to grow a relationship-focused business with an authentic brand that you not only put on during the working hours, but are able to live by 24/7.
Antonio Peric-Mazar
Build your business on top of Open Source
Open Source can be a great foundation for building a business. That being said, keeping the balance between community building and commercial activities can be tricky. In this talk I want to share my experience and practical tips, which can help you leverage OS and boost your business, while meeting fantastic people and learning a lot in the process.
Austin Knight
Design is not Art
This talk is not about design or art; it’s about designers. It’s about the things that we create and the ways in which we create them. It’s about the processes that we use and how those processes define us. It’s about the qualities that set us apart (and why they matter). What are the differences between design and art? What is the most important quality that a designer can possess? And how are the two so closely related? In this talk, we’ll examine the ways in which design and art are fundamentally different, and how through those differences, we can extract the qualities that comprise great designers and leaders. Learn about the contrasting purposes, data sources, and creative processes that design and art hold. Gain a new perspective on what it means to be a designer, and how designers that possess one particular quality are prone to better feedback, accountability, innovation, collaboration, and outcomes. Finally, hear personal accounts from designers at companies like Google and Apple, sharing their approaches to design and the qualities that they value. You may or may not leave this talk convinced that design is not art, but no matter what, you will leave with a better understanding for what it means to be a designer.
Developing a new default WordCamp theme
For WordCamp Europe 2017, the design team wanted to create a brand new theme. Not only for this WordCamp iteration, but for all WordCamps worldwide.
Developing a theme is not hard, but what makes it differently, when you have to develop something that fits for many different countries and languages. How do you deal with the limitations of a huge multisite, which all WordCamp website run on. And were do you put which code? And last, but not least: how can you contribute code to a plattform like, when you don’t have direct code access?
In this talk, I will share my experiences in developing a new default theme and the difficulties I had along the way.
Ivan Brezak Brkan
How We Built The Largest Tech Blog in The Balkans (With WordPress)
Since its launch in 2009., Netokracija has become “The Techcrunch of the Balkans” – according to Techcrunch itself – the largest tech and business blog in the region built entirely with enthusiasm – and WordPress.
With over 250.000 readers across the Balkans, Netokracija’s Ivan Brezak Brkan will tell the story about how his team created not just a blog, but a community that supports startups, digital change etc, explaining:
Alexandra Draghici
My WordPress Story
Up to this point, my relationship with WordPress has known many sides. I started as a blogger and then moved to Step by step, while trying to customize my blog, I began to understand how flexible WordPress was. Besides HTML and CSS, I discovered that I was able to learn PHP by myself, by following WordPress tutorials and forum discussions. After a while of study and practice, I launched my freelance business and spent a few years building mostly WordPress websites for clients with different business types and from various parts of the world. Today, I handle product development for CaptainForm, a WordPress forms plugin launched in 2015.
I would like to walk you through the ups and downs of this journey, to share some of the insights that I’ve gathered along the way and, most of all, to express my deep passion for WordPress and for the beautiful things you can build with it.
Ivelina Dimova
Advanced debugging
As lead of the Ongoing Client Support at CrowdFavorite I’ve worked with lots of legacy code on different projects. This session covers some of the lessons we’ve learned in the process and tips how to deal with the most common issues faster and more effective. It also shows how the legacy code can be actually fun.
Miroslav Mađarić
WordPress as perfect tool for idea crowdsourcing
Author will present the result of three-months long experience in idea crowdsourcing for Croatian capital Zagreb. The public – general, expert and business – submits, comments and rates innovative ideas on free and challenge basis. City services check the submissions and evaluate them on technological and business feasibility. Development based on WP proved out to cover complete foreseen functionality , as well as new functions that emerged during the pilot in a very agile way.
Attitude towards the application as well as to process and content of different groups of users – citizens, moderators, decision makers – will be presented in the form of statistics as well as subsequent recommendations for operations in similar environment.
Anastasios Manoloudis
DeSign everything
Design is everywhere and (not behind but) the underlying foundation of everything. From the words we use, the extent of our vocabulary and how we form sentences with them (…ultimately expressing ourselves) all we have to do is look closer and realize how involved we are; every day.
Dario Jazbec Hrvatin
Kako napraviti višejezični WordPress web
Na ovoj radionici ćemo proći kroz osnove izrade višejezičnih internet stranica, koristeći plugin WPML.
Svima koji žele naučiti kako jednosatvno napraviti višejezičnu stranicu. Ovo uključuje:
Open Sources Of Inspiration
I would like to make an inspirational talk about inspiration… Where does it lie? How do you find it? What drives it?
I want to go through the things I think drive our daily lives, and of course, our daily WordPress-related work and community. Share what I learned from others, from WordCamps, from simply getting into touch with so many different things and people – all thanks to this wonderful, open source “piece of software”.
Maja Žikić
WordPress for MVPs: accelerating Europe’s startup ecosystem
Europe is currently undergoing an entrepreneurship boom of sorts, with special emphasis on Ag and FoodTech startups. How to thrive in the new innovation landscape? Inspired by KATANA accelerator, my presentation will discuss the benefits of consistent content, specifically the quality and promotion of it, during the early days of a startup. Now, there’s no secret to perfect MVP, but taking a few hours to plan your efforts will speed up your ROI.
Tome Pajkovski
Transforming one-time gig into a lasting relationship
The talk is focused on how to nurture client relationship, go over hurdles, missed deadlines and misunderstandings, and how to protect yourself while not appearing protective.
Idea of the talk is to go through an experience with one client, where we went from a simple website migration (due to the previous developer missing in action), that we nurtured and turned into one of our best relationship.
Also, I want to focus on another thing that most developers misunderstand – that you are not actually charging for your time, and actually, you are getting paid for delivering value to the customer and his business, and why that is different.
Denis Žoljom
Why bother with code checking?
Coding standards provide a foundation for writing your code. If you are involved in a big project, it is imperative that the team that works with you follows the same coding practices. This is helpful during the development phase, especially while debugging and doing code reviews. The days of manual checking your code are long gone, and we have a bunch of tools that can help us with writing quality code (linters, code sniffers, unit tests). One of such tools, which is especially helpful, is PHP CodeSniffer. PHP CodeSniffer will check your PHP, JS and CSS code on the fly, and you can also write your own sniffs and define your own standards. You’ll get an overview of using phpcs, writing your own, and extending other people sniffs and standards.
Ivan Ružević
Friendship between two doubleW’s
We will merge two doubleW’s into a single awesome project. Let’s explore how to use Webpack2 with your WordPress theme, how to build your Webpack configuration and use it with CSS/SASS, JSON, Images, Fonts, JS, and many more. I’ll provide the boilerplate configuration for your WW project. On top of everything, we will explore how PostCSS can be added to your project which will enrich your application with some cool plugins. But that is not all, you will also get the configuration for PHP, SASS, JS linting, as well as build and deploy bash scripts. Let’s start building WordPress with this awesome tool.
Marko Banušić
Vue.js with WordPress
Vue.js is progressive javascript framework for creating reactive frontend apps. In this presentation I want to show the advantages to using such framework and how to use it to develop new interfaces. Presentation will guide users through necessary tools, code examples and real world use cases and demos.
Tomislav Kozacinski
Cheat Sheet for Freelancers
What it’s like to work for the worst boss in the whole world – your self?
In this talk Tomislav will speak about personal growth while managing two parallel and completely opposite careers. Goal of this talk is to help people decide if freelancing is for them, and how help them with clear instructions on how to be a good one. He’ll draw from his own experience and tell all about the good and the bad, moments of being broke, sleepless and away from family and friends for weeks + a bunch of stuff in between and in the end – is it all worth it?
In’s and out’s of plugin creation
Plugins are a vital part of WordPress websites that need specific functionalities. While the official WordPress repository has more than 45,000 plugins from you to choose from, many of these plugins miss the mark. Just because a plugin is in the repository doesn’t mean it won’t hinder its performance or compromise its security. So what can you do? Well, you can build your own. In this talk we’ll talk about what you should do when building a plugin as well as walk trough how that can be done trough an example plugin called Toptal Save.
WordCamps and why are they important
Leiden, a small city in the Netherlands close to Amsterdam, hosted the first WordCamp Europe in 2013. Now, five years later and five WordCamps Europe later, the next one will be in Belgrade in 2018. In this talk, I will ask and answer some questions like “Why is WordCamp Europe that important to this part of the world” and how “Leiden changed everything”. Join me for a community driven and very inspirational talk.
Organizers for this event are unavailable or have not been announced.
Details TBD.
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Speaker DiversityWas there diverse representation in the speaker lineup? Speaker Diversity | — |
Venue QualityHow was the cleanliness and layout of the venue? If online, how was the video platform? Venue Quality | — |
Food QualityHow would you rate the food quality? Thinks lunches, coffee breaks, and afterparty. Food Quality | — |
AffordabilityWas this event affordable for you? Affordability | — |
Networking OpportunitiesWere there networking opportunities? Think about parties, hallway track, and event attendance. Networking Opportunities | — |
Sponsor RepresentationWas there a variety of different kinds of sponsors in attendance? Sponsor Representation | — |
Speakers (0 ratings)
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Organizer CommunicationHow well did the organizers communicate about the event? Organizer Communication | — |
Venue QualityHow was the cleanliness and layout of the venue? If online, how was the video platform? Venue Quality | — |
Food QualityHow would you rate the food quality? Think speaker/sponsor dinner, lunches, and afterparty. Food Quality | — |
Session AttendanceWere the sessions well attended? How about your session? Session Attendance | — |
AffordabilityWas it affordable for you to speak at this event? Affordability | — |
Sponsors (0 ratings)
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Proximity to AttendeesWas the sponsor area in a high-traffic location? Proximity to Attendees | — |
Venue QualityHow was the cleanliness and layout of the venue? If online, how was the video platform? Venue Quality | — |
Affordability/ValueWas it affordable for you to sponsor this event? Do you feel like you got value in return? Affordability/Value | — |
Event AttendanceHow well was this event attended? Do you feel there were enough people to justify your presence? Event Attendance | — |
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