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Check out the folks who attended WordCamp Vienna 2017:
You can mark yourself as going to this camp in your account settings!
Dario Jazbec Hrvatin
Due to illness changed: How to write better – tips for everyone!
Due to illness change of program:
How to write better – tips for everyone!
Old talk…
WordPress SEO & Content Formats 2017
Search engine optimization has become an increasingly difficult field. With Google getting evermore vigilant when it comes to uncovering blackhat practices, many bloggers simply rely on a one-in-all solution like for example Joost de Walk’s SEO plugin and limit their search engine optimization efforts to a couple of on-site factors. At the same time, new content formats (viral quizzes, storytelling formats and such) are gaining popularity.
In my talk I want to elaborate on how new content formats, internal linking structures and WordPress SEO do play together and which tools and plugins help bloggers to increase their visibility.
Bruce Jackson
Workshop: SEO für Blogger [DE]
Bruce Jackson – www.seocoach.at
Ziele: 30 Min. SEO Theorie für Blogger + 60-90 Minuten Praxis euren Webseiten zum optimieren.
bitte Laptop mitbringen, sowie WordPress und FTP Logins für eure Website / Blog
Jacqueline Rinnhofer and Jakub Polomsky
So simple, so fast: Develop your Payment Plugin for WordPress & WooCommerce
A payment plugin is an indispensable interface when starting an online business. But where to start? We show you how to develop a Payment Plugin in a short time.
In our slot we’ll show you how a smooth-running developing process looks like and which key points should be taken care of.
Jacqueline Rinnhofer & Jakub Polomsky, Software Engineers at Wirecard CEE
Ritchie Pettauer
Thomas Kloos
SEO ist mehr als nur Yoast installieren [DE]
“Wordpress ist ein SEO-freundliches CMS” – was heißt das überhaupt und, wenngleich WordPress großartig ist, wo sind die potenziellen Probleme?
WordPress ist ohne Frage das beste CMS, wenn es darum geht, SEO Experten ihre Arbeit zu erleichtern. Es gibt aber eine Reihe an Punkten, die man berücksichtigen muss.
Der Prozess von SEO wird vorgestellt und erklärt, dass SEO in jeder Phase einer Website-Erstellung berücksichtigt werden sollte. Die Basics von SEO zu verstehen lohnt sich für alle: Blogger, Designer, Developer, Konzepter und Projektleiter.
Dazu besprechen wir konkrete Maßnahmen, um eine WordPress Seite zu optimieren.
In diesem Track werden 2 wichtige Punkte vermittelt:
• Ein besseres Verständnis für SEO
• Action Items, Best Practices und Bewusstsein von möglichen Problemen.
Aleksander Kuczek
Contributor – Polyglots
New WordPress Plugin Directory: A Quick Crash Course
The purpose of this session is to help website makers and plugin developers to prepare for the upcoming implementation of WordPress Plugin Directory 3.0. Working with both Joomla Extensions Directory team and WordPress Plugin Directory gives me a possibility to advise how to adjust to the new reality and discover new possibilities hidden in the new directory.
Brigitte Schüch
Die Rechtslage im World Wide Web [DE]
Die Rechtslage im World Wide Web: Wenige Leute kennen die Rechtslage im www – so gut wie niemand weiß überhaupt, wem das www gehört und dass man eine Domain nicht kaufen kann. Inhalt: das W3C, Domain, Copyright, Datenschutz, Inhalte auf Seiten, das Impressum;
Manuel Matuzovic
Back to the Basics – Improving the accessibility of your WordPress sites
As front-end developers we’re using a variety of advanced tools and techniques to create awesome things. While this makes us and our projects great we tend to forget about how diverse our users and thus the ways they consume our sites are. On the 100 most popular web sites the number of accessibility errors has increased by 60% over the last 5 years. Most of those errors could’ve been avoided by understanding and applying basic concepts of the frontend languages we use every day.
During this talk Manuel will illustrate how much of an impact simple tweaks in your HTML, CSS and JavaScript can have on the overall accessibility of your WordPress projects.
Viktoria Egger
Influence! – How to make money with your blog
A lot of blogs have been created to share thoughts and inspire people in the last years. But only a view have been able to make a business out of it. In this talk I want to show what is needed to make a business out of a blog and what kind of income you can have from a blog. Dividing the perspective from : earning an income from a blog itself or making a blog the marketing tool you need to be a successful business.
I will show some best practices, ask questions that need to be asked and give a guide how to achieve what you want to achieve with your blog – an inspiring step by step guide.
Thorsten Weber
Wie bringen E-Mails deine Leser regelmäßig auf deine Webseite zurück? [DE]
E-Mails sind das vergessene Stiefkind im Marketing-Mix. Die sofortige Reichweite bei WhatsApp, Snapchat, Facebook und Youtube ist meist verlockender. Aber vielleicht liegt es auch daran, dass der E-Mail-Massenversand durch Spam in Verruf geraten ist.
Doch wenn DJ Rewerb auf den Absende-Button klickt, ist er sich sicher, dass ihm mehr als 1.500 DJ-Kollegen zuhören. Jeden Blogpost und jede Podcastfolge bewirbt er zuerst an seine E-Mail-Verteiler. Außerdem sorgt eine vorab geplante Serie von E-Mails dafür, dass die Blogleser jede Woche mindestens einen Artikel seines Archivs finden.
Auf diese Weise kommt gelegentliche Werbung für eigene Produkte und Dienstleistungen für die Leser nicht aus heiterem Himmel. Zunächst erscheint der Arbeitsaufwand für einen eigenen E-Mail-Verteiler viel zu hoch, weil sich sowieso niemand anmeldet. Dafür hat Thorsten genügend Tipps parat, um deinen Verteiler schnell wachsen zu lassen. Und spätestens, wenn du gemerkt hast, wie du mit einer E-Mail 1.000 Euro verdienen kannst, wirst du das Potenzial der langweiligen E-Mails erahnen können.
Franz Wieser
Workshop: Developers Beginners Workshop
Als Fortsetzung von wp Hallo Welt vortrag, praktisches experimentieren und praktische erklärung für interessenten,
im Rahmen bix 1 Stunde
Für WordPress Neueinsteiger: in etwa wie mein erklärvideo http://www.wieser.at/wordpress/video-anleitung/
WordPress Hallo meine erste Homepage, ein praktischer Einstieg, ich nehme dazu auf meine WP Multisite eine testseite auf der die interessenten experimentieren und kennenlernen können, vom ersten Text über Foto, seiten, kommentar bis zu theme wechseln und plugin und info über einstellmöglichkeiten
1/2 bis 1 Stunde je nach menge der Interessenten.
Offener Tisch ein bißchen geführt, rund um Entwicklung, Anwendungen, Plugins gemeinsam mit interessierte
dabei wie oben WP Hallo Welt, und eine weitere entwicklung von mir: Matrix Plugins (CPT, CF, usw) als beispiele zum weiterbauen.
zeitumfang 1-2 Stunden.
WP Hallo Welt [DE]
Hallo Welt das wahrscheinlich meist verwendete Script in jeglicher Programmiersprache für die ersten Schritt mit einer Programmiersprache
WP Hallo Welt zeigt auf einfache Weise wie Hallo Welt in WordPress zum Einsatz kommen kann.
Funktionen für das erste Plugin, der erste Shortcode, ein einfache Sidebar Widget, Admin Seiten mit Funktionen
Thomas Macdonald
Optimising WordPress performance in a large multisite environment
At Yelster, we have a WP installation that is the backbone for a premium website service. Currently at 3000 clients and climbing, we are often faced with interesting performance and optimization problems, ranging from the general (database instances, caching, scaling) to the particular (Page load performance, Javascript loading).
This talk will focus on a selected number of these issues, and the paths we took to resolve or mitigate them.
Stefan Krajczar
WordPress, WooCommerce & eCommerce
Use WordPress as an eCommerce platform, for entrepreneurs, startups, companies and charities.
My main focus is on WordPress with WooCommerce but I will also explain some other things like how to get donations for your charity and how to build a landing page that converts.
UX is a hot topic as well. I’m in eCommerce since 2012 on a daily basis. – From a shop owner and “programmer” point of view.
Andres Cifuentes
Remote work: Debugging your stress and improving your productivity
Remote job are becoming a standard way of working in our community. And with all its advantages, it also brings some stress factors as isolation, not identifying relax from working periods, clients management, stress, burnout.
The aim of this talk is set some tips to identify the potential stress triggers and how to deal with them with easy and daily techniques, thus improving our working conditions and our productivity.
Thiemo Sammern
The GDPR and its implications on data collection and processing
The EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has major implications on all European businesses. This talk explains the basic requirements to master the GDPR, gives information about legal issues, administrative and technical requirements.
This also applies to websites and web forms.
Tania Kocher
Von Shopping bis Youtube: Die Werbenetzwerke von Google AdWords [DE]
Google AdWords kann mehr als bezahlte Textanzeigen zu eingetippten Keywords in der Google Suche liefern. Entdecken Sie die Welt der Banner-, Mobile- und Video-Ads sowie den Conversion-Booster Remarketing.
Heinz Duschanek
Google Tag Manager (GTM) [DE]
Wie implementiere ich den GTM Container in WordPress (mit dem Plugin von DuracellTomi); Implementierung einiger Messungen (Klicks auf Emailadressen, Telefonnummern, Formular Schaltflächen, Senden von E-Commerce-Daten); Anzeigen von Ergebnissen in Google Analytics; Weitere Verwendung (Facebook Pixel, usw.)
Thomas Kräftner
Leaving the worn path – Finding your own custom WordPress workflow
WordPress is easy, as in “Easy to get started.” As such the standard setup clearly caters to beginners. This, of course, also comes with various downsides for a professional project.
This talk will offer a high level overview on what you can do to improve your WordPress experience – especially when using it in a professional setup. We’ll do this by going through a typical lifecycle of a website from creation, through maintenance to an eventual relaunch. Looking at some typical pain points we’ll explore various things like version control, staging environments, automated deployment and migration and what the pros and cons for those are. By explaining the reasoning behind those concepts you can (re-)evaluate your stance on those.
In the end I’m not going to tell you what to do with a “one-size-fits-all” solution, but hopefully give you enough food for thought to help you getting closer to your own ideal workflow.
Manuela van Prooijen
Develop a “shitty client radar” for your WordPress business!
When you started your web design company you fantasized about doing all day the one thing you love most: creating beautiful websites, writing code and making the internet a better place. Fast forward a few years: you love and appreciate most of your customers.
However, every once in a while you get a client that drives you bananas! Shitty clients can drain your creativity, make your life difficult and take a lot of your time. They are every business owner’s nightmare and almost everyone in the web development has an outrageous “client from hell” story to tell.
That’s why we need to develop a “shitty client radar” for pre-screening purposes and learn how to respectfully ‘fire’ a not-so-nice client. Over the years I have worked with many great clients, but some were just beyond reasonable. I have developed a set of tactics which prevented me from ending up in potentially toxic situations.
In this talk I am going to share some of my tactics and get you starting on developing your own “shitty client radar”.
Veselin Nikolov
JavaScript: From Zero to Hero and Back
Two years ago we started working on a new front-end for wp-admin, called Calypso. It is a single page app built with React. At that time, my JavaScript knowledge was mostly restricted to basics + some jQuery and Backbone. These libraries are very different than the modern JavaScript.
The learning curve I faced was very steep. This will be the story about how I managed to learn it, started teaching it, and what happened when I moved back to a PHP project. I plan to talk about: – What makes the learning curve steep – Cultural differences between JavaScript and WordPress developers – Problems with terminology and ecosystems. The influence that JavaScript has on PHP projects
I will try to explain 7-8 non-beginner JavaScript concepts and will try to keep the talk like a personal story. I will try to avoid deep details and complex terminology, very common in this kind of JS talks
Martin Mucha
https:// Your Website
Why and how to secure Your WordPress Website with SSL. The presentation leads You through the whole Process: Starting with free SSL/TLS Certificates from the Let’s Encrypt initiative, what to change in WordPress and Your database, to the advantages in Google rankings.
Thorsten Frommen
Workshop: An Introduction to Unit Testing (for WordPress)
Thorsten Frommen: An Introduction to Unit Testing (for WordPress)
REST in Pieces: Working with the WordPress REST API in an Object-oriented Fashion
Since both the infrastructure and the first set of endpoints of the WordPress REST API got merged into Core, it’s obvious for plugin and even theme authors to jump on the bandwagon. If you are interested in a sweeping statement about this, this one’s for you.
In the first part of this talk, Thorsten briefly looks back on the history of introducing a REST API to WordPress. He then comments on the current state of WordPress Core, and what we might expect in the (near) future.
The currently suggested way to develop using the WordPress REST API includes using a handful of functions and maybe writing up a custom class that extends a gigantic abstract controller class provided by WordPress Core. In essence, this results in procedural code, with the used functions not even being pure (as they are using global variables).
That’s why the second part of this talk is about WP REST Starter, a Composer package for working with the WordPress REST API in an object-oriented fashion. Using the interfaces and default implementations provided by WP REST Starter helps you write proper object-oriented code that is easier to understand, easier to extend, easier to test, and easier to maintain. Furthermore, in case the internals of the WordPress REST API will ever change, you can rely on WP REST Starter taking care of this, if possible.
No need to adapt any of your RESTful WordPress projects.
Denise VanDeCruze
Closing Remarks
Closing remarks to WordCamp Vienna 2017 and announcing the winners of our Yoast SEO copywriting training Licenses
Opening Remarks
Marieke van de Rakt
How to write a high-quality and SEO-friendly blog post
Writing blog posts that are both nice and easy to read as well as SEO-friendly can be daunting. For some people, SEO-friendly content and high-quality content even seem contradictory.
In this talk, I’ll explain the three important steps you need to take to write excellent and SEO-friendly content: Providing you’ve done your keyword research properly, you’ll need to make sure your content meets the following demands: your content should be original, your content should be readable, and your content should be findable.
Luca Sartoni
These are the people that make this event happen. They work tirelessly for weeks and months to plan, coordinate, and execute the best event possible. If you get a chance to thank them, please do!
Sanja Jelic (+ add me)
Svetlana Siewert (+ add me)
Stefan Krajczar (+ add me)
Martin Sternsberger (+ add me)
Bruce Jackson (+ add me)
Denise VanDeCruze (+ add me)
Martin Mucha (+ add me)
Details TBD.
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Food QualityHow would you rate the food quality? Thinks lunches, coffee breaks, and afterparty. Food Quality | — |
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Food QualityHow would you rate the food quality? Think speaker/sponsor dinner, lunches, and afterparty. Food Quality | — |
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