The local community around 🇹🇼 WordCamp Taiwan 2021 (120 miles):
New Taipei City, Taiwan
New Taipei City, Taiwan
Taipei City, Taiwan
Taipei City, Taiwan
Taipei City, Taiwan
Taipei City, Taiwan
➡️ Do you know of any other WordPress folks in this area? Please encourage them to add themselves!
💻 This camp is online and fully remote, so there are technically no Pressers nearby. Check the "Attendees" tab to see who'll be joining you!
Check out the folks who attended 🇹🇼 WordCamp Taiwan 2021:
Hilton, NY, USA
Taipei City, Taiwan
You can mark yourself as going to this camp in your account settings!
傳產轉型網路行銷,選擇 WordPress 系統的優勢
從完全沒接觸過 WordPress,到開始有基礎能力可以自我成長學習,究竟需要準備些什麼呢? 無論什麼原因,當你一腳踏入 WordPress 世界,我想以過來人的經驗,與你分享一路走來累積的經驗,幫助你面對各種問題和挑戰的時候,都有足夠正確的心態和能力來踏實前進
初學 / 入門 / 資料搜尋 / 外掛整合
Hello Beautiful: Wading into Development
In 2020, I decided to play with code. I reinvented Hello Dolly and created Hello Beautiful. Now, I know that what I’ve done didn’t even scratch the surface of what true development is, but my goals were to have a deeper understanding of what developers do, how the system works, and to create something for myself that made me feel good.
What I ended up with was a lot more.
As a 53-year old woman in tech, I’m older than most would expect. With a background in religion/philosophy and business, I’m not what anyone would expect in the tech industry. And yet, here I am!
Join me as I share with you more about why I created Hello Beautiful, what that entailed, and how I discovered more about myself and what I’m capable of – and how YOU can do more than you ever thought you could, too.
Plugins, Development, Learning, Beginner, Dashboard
Site kit – 如何透過 Google 所打造的 WordPress 外掛了解你的網站性能
Google 致力於推廣與提倡 Open Web 的發展,從 Chrome 瀏覽器納入大量的 W3C 標準,至 Search 協助索引並引導使用者能夠找尋需求的網站。而 WordPress 一直是 Google 致力於貢獻的生態系,因其擁有大量的網站主與開發者。本次演講將分享 Google 所開發的 WordPress 外掛 – Site Kit 包含了哪些功能與接下來的發展,並分享身為 WordPress 使用者能如何藉由 Site Kit 以及相關延伸工具打造更好的網站。
Static WordPress – How To Make WordPress Faster And More Secure
I will show what are the pros and cons of converting WordPress into a static site. During my talk I will also show how we can achieve this and show some interesting numbers about going static.
static, headless, jamstack
Mohammad Shahbaz Alam
Develop a WordPress plugin for community, and why should you do it?
Work From Home has enabled us to think beyond and extend ourselves. Let’s extend our WordPress website experience by building a Plugin and sharing it with the community. In this talk, I will cover some best practices for building a plugin and share our story of how we created a WordPress plugin and why should you do it.
Whether you’re new to WordPress plugin development, or an experienced plugin developer, there’s something for everyone in this talk.
Plugin Development, Security
Robert Rowley
Secure Development for WordPress Plugins
Security is everybody’s responsibility, but this session is for the WordPress plugin developers (and anyone interested in plugin development). I will share with you how to have the right mindset, so you can code defensively while you are developing your plugin. You will learn about built in WordPress functions the core team has contributed, that make writing secure code easier than ever, and I will give insight on some unique security concerns that only appear in WordPress ecosystem.
Security, Secure Development, Vulnerabilities, Best Practice
一起來使用 CrowdSec,保護 WordPress 站台
WordPress 外掛及佈景主題本地化實作
無論你是要為自己的網站,或是為客戶的網站,只要有 WordPress 外掛或佈景主題本地化的需求,這門實作工作坊能讓你達成基礎目標。在本次工作坊中,你會學習到以下項目:
簡化流程,就別讓他進後台 – 前端發文外掛分享 WP User Frontend
在網站管理的實務當中,很大部分的使用者其實不需要接觸到複雜的後台介面與調整,因此透過前台的介面、設定必填欄位的要求,`不但可以節省教育訓練的時間,更能大幅度減少網站損壞的機會。這次介紹透過 WP User Frontend 這套外掛,以簡單的表單設定加上後介面權限控管,即可製作成一個普通使用者能輕易操作的發文介面。
WordPress 之請你跟我這樣做
WordPress 的好用,想必很多人都知道!不過如果想做好一個網站,不只是顧及面子(設計)也還有裡子(維運、資安)要注意。參與社群多年,認識很多接案路上的好夥伴,這次藉由講題「請你跟我這樣做」,來整理我日常網站開發工作裡注意到的事,與大家分享從網域到主機、從開站到上線的一些重點。
養比生更重要!一個維護,各自表述 – 網站維護的差異、價值與機會成本
每一位 WordPress 自架站站長或任務與之相關的各種角色,或許都理解且同意,一個網站的啟用上線,才是真正考驗的開始。
但您知道嗎?全球有 50% 以上的 WP 網站未好好維護,導致載入效能、使用者體驗、 SEO 與轉換率下滑,甚至影響到導致資安問題。
隨著 WordPress 的百花鳴放開枝散葉,「維護」一詞已經像是 「一個維護,各自表述」了。 不論您是傾向花錢請專業廠商處理,或是自己研究學習,都可以多方了解所謂的「維護」,實際上各是指怎樣的內容項目、是否有其它更精確適用的專業項目;也能了解,所謂的 WordPress 維護,由基本到高標準,各有哪些須知與步驟,可以做到多完整、多講究的層面喲!
打造與經營 LMS 線上課程網站的清醒夢
疫情加速了數位轉型,實體課程數位化的需求大量提升,各類開課平台百家爭鳴,WordPress 行之有年的 LMS (Learning Management System) 外掛成為想自己打造課程網站的考量目標。講者將分享參與打造與經營的親身經驗,提醒嚮往或準備入門使用LMS解決問題者,有哪些注意點,即使在做夢的路上,我們也要清醒地前進。演講綱要如下:
WooCommerce 金流整合實務
疫情的爆發加速了線上購物的蓬勃發展,電子商務變成許多人創業的首要選項,同時伴隨著金融科技的推波助瀾,各式電商金流交易方式也如雨後春筍般地出現。對於想進入電子商務的商家,該如何選擇適合的金流,以及開發者在串接的過程中應該注意什麼,希望透過本次的分享給有意使用 WooCommerce 架站的商家及協助商家進行金流整合的開發者一個初步的方向。
WooCommerce、Payment Gateway、電子商務、金流
Anne McCarthy
Exploring WordPress 5.9
From the introduction of block themes to enhancements to everyday editing features, this presentation will explore what new features are coming to WordPress 5.9 and how you can prepare.
要連線到一個網站其實必須經過層層關卡,從個人電腦的設定,DNS 解析、主機上的設定,有些個人自架伺服器的還會碰到這種防火牆的阻擋,甚至是 SELinux 這類型的資安設定。
These are the people that make this event happen. They work tirelessly for weeks and months to plan, coordinate, and execute the best event possible. If you get a chance to thank them, please do!
Kevin / 敬哲 (+ add me)
Kyoka / 京華 (+ add me)
Billy / 比利 (+ add me)
Hitori / 一人 (+ add me)
fliesyan / 飛彥 (+ add me)
Marie Chang / 郁青 (+ add me)
Bruce Lee / 小胖 (+ add me)
Gui / 桂廷 (+ add me)
Wilson / 惟謙 (+ add me)
Josh / 晟航 (+ add me)
joe / 友誠 (+ add me)
Joey Hsu / 云澤 (+ add me)
Lina / 于妙 (+ add me)
Blake / 瑋津 (+ add me)
Yuli / 雅晴 (+ add me)
xavier / 阿中 (+ add me)
Vicky / 琪琪 (+ add me)
Alex Lion / 軍智 (+ add me)
Jianan shih / 建安 (+ add me)
Yuki / 詠綺 (+ add me)
YUYU / 小魚 (+ add me)
Hui / 欣慧 (+ add me)
Mike / 殿昇 (+ add me)
Hend / 瀚宇 (+ add me)
大 Eric / 桓亦 (+ add me)
No restaurants or bars have been recommended for this event.
No attractions have been recommended for this event.
No accommodations have been recommended for this event.
Attendees (0 ratings)
Be the first attendee!Overall ExperienceHow would you rate the overall experience of the event? Overall Experience | — |
Topic CoverageWas there a variety of topics to choose from? Topic Coverage | — |
Session QualityHow interesting and polished were the sessions? Session Quality | — |
Speaker DiversityWas there diverse representation in the speaker lineup? Speaker Diversity | — |
Venue QualityHow was the cleanliness and layout of the venue? If online, how was the video platform? Venue Quality | — |
Food QualityHow would you rate the food quality? Thinks lunches, coffee breaks, and afterparty. Food Quality | — |
AffordabilityWas this event affordable for you? Affordability | — |
Networking OpportunitiesWere there networking opportunities? Think about parties, hallway track, and event attendance. Networking Opportunities | — |
Sponsor RepresentationWas there a variety of different kinds of sponsors in attendance? Sponsor Representation | — |
Speakers (0 ratings)
Be the first speaker!Overall ExperienceHow would you rate the overall experience of the event? Overall Experience | — |
Organizer CommunicationHow well did the organizers communicate about the event? Organizer Communication | — |
Venue QualityHow was the cleanliness and layout of the venue? If online, how was the video platform? Venue Quality | — |
Food QualityHow would you rate the food quality? Think speaker/sponsor dinner, lunches, and afterparty. Food Quality | — |
Session AttendanceWere the sessions well attended? How about your session? Session Attendance | — |
AffordabilityWas it affordable for you to speak at this event? Affordability | — |
Sponsors (0 ratings)
Be the first sponsor!Overall ExperienceHow would you rate the overall experience of the event? Overall Experience | — |
Organizer CommunicationHow well did the organizers communicate about the event? Organizer Communication | — |
Proximity to AttendeesWas the sponsor area in a high-traffic location? Proximity to Attendees | — |
Venue QualityHow was the cleanliness and layout of the venue? If online, how was the video platform? Venue Quality | — |
Affordability/ValueWas it affordable for you to sponsor this event? Do you feel like you got value in return? Affordability/Value | — |
Event AttendanceHow well was this event attended? Do you feel there were enough people to justify your presence? Event Attendance | — |
2021年12月11日到12日,台灣即將迎來一場全新的里程碑 WordCamp,一場更新、更好、更多花火的的國際級綜合研討會,這次台灣選擇在線上相聚與大家相聚,並且將 WordCamp 的地域,從原先的台北 (Taipei) 提升到台灣 (Taiwan)。
2019年12月,在台北舉辦的 WordCamp Taipei 2019,聚集來自全超過550位的參與者,包含贊助商、講師、志工與所有喜歡 WordPress 的朋友們。在這場活動中,分散於各地的朋友們因為對 WordPress 的愛而齊聚一堂,在會場一起分享交流WordPress的經驗。
WordCamp Taiwan 2021 將要把所有熱愛 WordPress 的夥伴齊聚一堂,疫情只能拉開我們身體距離,拉不開的是我們對於知識、經驗、程式碼分享的距離,這次 WordPress 台灣社群將合力讓「WordCamp 相聚,無所畏『距』」。
On December 11-12, 2021, in Taiwan, we will celebrate the new milestone of WordCamp, which will be a more comprehensive and dynamic international conference for WordPress lovers. This time we are going to meet everyone online and elevate the scale from Taipei to Taiwan.
While the COVID-19 pandemic has interrupted all physical communication, it has created another opportunity for us to move the event from offline to online, from one city to the whole country. We can still “meet” no matter where we are! In this event we will learn together, exchange ideas and share thoughts. From the north to the south, from the capital to the outer islands, we will participate in this lively celebration, where distance is no more a problem or barrier.
In December 2019, WordCamp was held in Taipei, gathering more than 550 participants from all over the world, including sponsors, speakers, volunteers and all friends who love WordPress.
Continuing the success of WordCamp Taipei in 2018 and 2019, this year we also have planned a number of exciting programs of different aspects during the two-day event for participants with diverse backgrounds. On top of that, networking activities will still be available, so even if everyone will be joining from home, you’ll still feel a vibrant sense of engagement!
The Taiwan WordPress community is working together to make WordCamp shine online, and follow the concept of “WFH (work from home) cannot stop us. Let’s WFH (WordPress from home)!” We hope that WordCamp Taiwan 2021 will bring all the people who love WordPress together. The virus can only pull us apart physically, but cannot stop us from sharing knowledge, ideas, and, of course, our passion for WordPress!
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