Johan Falk
Lightning talks / Snabbsnack
Jakob Pernvik
Mattias Ekendahl
Använd WordPress API och React för att nå överallt
När WordPress nämns så går tankarna direkt till webbsajter, stora eller små, men med det nya möjligheterna som API:et öppnar för så höjs blicken för vad som kan göras. Det öppnar för helt nya projekt där WordPress är kärnan men utförandet kan bli till vilken typ av produkt som helst, varav de närmaste typerna är appar och digital publicering, men kan sträcka sig mycket längre än så. Vi har arbetat med att ta steget över till sajter och appar som drivs helt av API:et för ett flertal projekt, bl.a. för Bonnier tidskrifters kommande digital plattform, och kommer dela med oss om den processen. Det har varit både utmanade och fantastiskt och det finns många lärdomar som kommer hjälpa när du väljer att ta nästa steg.
Petronella Turesson
Paneldiskussion om WordPress
Thord D. Hedengren
Paneldiskussion om WordPress
Theme review workshop
Learn the criterias for reviewing themes on and help us review some themes!
Tobias Nyholm
Logging and monitoring with WordPress workshop
Logging goes far beyond <pre>tail /var/log/apache2/access.log”</pre>. Properly configured logging will give you detailed information about your users’ behaviour, your application’s events and your HTTP traffic on different systems. This talk will introduce a logging standard, how to set it up with WordPress and then demonstrate tools that aggregate the statistics in a useful manner.
Kåre Mulvad Steffensen
Integrating Visual Composer and Advanced Custom Fields
Building, even a moderatly complicated website, does not require any coding. Thanks to feature packed themes, and plugins that bring an administrative UI to complex data structures, give us the ability to build with no coding skills.
Most websites need some kind of collection of items, other than their posts/news articles, this is me showing you how a Theme and handful of plugins will allow you to build whatever datastructure you need. Using the popular Visual Composer page builder along with Advanced Custom Fields, and the bridger plugin ACF-VC integrator to create a Custom Posttype and output your custom fields on your website.
Mikael Mälarström
Henrik Löwenhamn
Paneldiskussion om WordPress
Ulrich Pogson
Building multilingual e-commerce sites
I recently built to sell a few WordPress products. It is available in English and German.
I would cover the challenges and decisions that I needed to make and how it has worked out for us.
Otto Kekäläinen
Improving WordPress performance with XDebug and PHP profiling
Advanced techniques for testing and updating WordPress core and plugins to avoid regressions
Updating WordPress core and plugins is an important and often recurring maintenance task, that many often neglect due to the inherent risk of regressions and potential downtime. At we update hundreds of enterprise grade WordPress sites in a production-proof way using automated testing with RSpec and Phantom.js. In this talk I will show you how we do it and what are the open source tools anybody else can use as well to test their own sites before and after updates.
Mike Selander
Peering Into the Process of Code Reviews
“We all make mistakes. A missing semicolon. An unused variable. Debugging statements printing. Any of this sounding familiar yet? All of these bugs and errors can be caught effectively with a peer code review process. In addition, code reviews can help with knowledge transfer, creative problem solving and team morale when done right.
In this talk we’ll cover the basics of peer code review: tools to help with the process, tips and tricks, main benefits and potential downfalls, and some solid examples you can take back and convince your boss with.”
Toni Cherfan
From cowboy coding to continuous delivery
As self taught web developers, we only know just what we need to know for the kinds of projects that we are working on just now. However; Growing as a company is hard because it forces us to grow wether we like it or not. This is the Tale about all the times we made mistakes and how, in spite of everything, we managed to look at Every failiure as a way to grow and improve.
The talk is part business, part devops for beginners and intermediate.
Jimmy Rosén
From cowboy coding to continuous delivery
As self taught web developers, we only know just what we need to know for the kinds of projects that we are working on just now. However; Growing as a company is hard because it forces us to grow wether we like it or not. This is the Tale about all the times we made mistakes and how, in spite of everything, we managed to look at Every failiure as a way to grow and improve.
The talk is part business, part devops for beginners and intermediate.
Cecilia Svensson
Lightning talks / Snabbsnack
Karin Taliga
Hur du övervinner känslan av att vara en bluff
Har dina framgångar egentligen bara varit tur? Du har varit på rätt plats vid rätt tillfälle och träffat rätt människor? Andra människor tror att du är skicklig och kompetent, men när som helst kommer de att genomskåda dig. Egentligen har du ingen aning om vad du håller på med. Du är en bedragare som inte borde vara här. Känns tankegången igen? Du är inte ensam. Dessa tankar hör ihop med bluffsyndromet och motsvarar sällan verkligheten. Lär dig känna igen bluff-tankarna och vad du kan göra för att motverka dem.
Paneldiskussion om WordPress
Andreas Ek
Automatiserad hantering för WordPress-projekt
Composer, versionshantering, kontinuerlig test och leverans med WordPress-projekt är inte bara viktigt för att ge bra slutresultat, det är både enkelt och roligt.
Vi går genom begreppen, fördelar, tekniker och gör några konkreta användarfall som får igång dig och ditt team i ämnet.
Magnus Lindgren
Building Elobinas Textile Revolution in WordPress
Elobina is a service for eco friendly production on demand textiles. The service is unique in many ways and is transforming the way the textile industry work. Learn how we used WordPress and WooCommerce as a solid base for this development. By using the proven and working e-commerce base we could focus on what was hard for us without the need to build the parts that was already available. Elobina is built with WordPress and WooCommerce running in the Amazon Cloud. The service include advanced image handling with serverside processing of large print resolution images.
Marcus Tisäter
Zrinka Buljubašić
Giving WordPress Dashboard a Welcome Redesign: Layout & Dashicons
WordPress is a powerful tool we use on a daily basis. However, the WordPress Dashboard certainly lacks in terms of a powerful visual presence. The Dashboard is almost entirely text information where functionality is the number one priority. This means it requires special care when being shaped so that it can be processed as efficiently and as fast as possible. Along with setting modules and adding consistency both with type, shapes and whitespaces, we completely redesigned DashIcons, too. New DashIcons are all part of the same system visually and conceptually and it can be expanded at anytime. Since Dashboard has certain limitations we thought it would be creative, fun and practical to give it a new lease of life —a facelift to give this tool its much needed visual attributes.
Arūnas Liuza
Lightning talks / Snabbsnack
Daniel Melin
Daniel Westall
Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun: Customising WordPress for Big Media
WordPress is now a stable, mature CMS suitable for any enterprise application. For media organisations it’s no longer the quick and dirty side project platform of choice, it also sits front and centre delivering business critical services. However, this means optimising to meet the needs of demanding specialist users. Ant and Dan will explore the ‘why’ and the ‘how’ of creating professional editorial tools on the WordPress platform.
Edmund Turbin
Customize It! – Give users control with the WordPress Customizer
The Customizer provides WordPress themes with a unique way to change your site without having to edit code. Non-technical users can customize the site and instantly see changes while working. Understand how to take advantage of the Customizer in your theme to create configurable, flexible theme for your editors and and admins to work with.
Niklas Högefjord
Skyldig tills motsatsen bevisats – om support på open source-produkter
Ett plugin ska fungera utan problem direkt när man aktiverar det! Dokumentation, det är för loosers! Hur svårt ska det vara att få till en major release av ett plugin utan en massa buggar?
Kombinationen av tillgängliga teman, plugins och hostingleverantörer är oändlig vilket gör att kodbas tillsammans med servermiljö nästan aldrig ser likadan ut på två WordPress-webbplatser. Dessa förutsättningar innebär att support på plugins och teman ibland är mer avancerad och tidskrävande än vad man kanske tror vid en första anblick.
Vad kan man som kund göra för att underlätta vid supportärenden och vad kan plugin-utvecklarna förbättra för att minimera problem och antalet rapporterade ärenden?
Erik Bernskiöld
Content Marketing Done Right For Everybody
In today’s world, it is all about content marketing. Doing it right means thinking about a lot of different things. What should you publish? How do you make it converting? How do you connect it to analytics? What about SEO tricks?
Whether you are a user, developer or designer you will find this session useful. Whether as a reminder as to what’s important for the other groups and how to help work towards the common goal of a better website and effective business, or as a primer on how to boost your workflow.
Moving forward in WordPress
WordPress has created many opportunities for people all around the world, so many people are curious about how it could help them grow. In his talk, Noel will discuss the path to success for anyone interested in working with WordPress, remote working or generally being part of this movement.
These are the people that make this event happen. They work tirelessly for weeks and months to plan, coordinate, and execute the best event possible. If you get a chance to thank them, please do!
Stanislav Khromov (+ add me)
Jimmy Rosén (+ add me)
Thord D. Hedengren (+ add me)
Marcus Tisäter (+ add me)
Anders Norén (+ add me)
Hannah Swain (+ add me)
Ryan O’Leary (+ add me)
Olaf Lindström (+ add me)
Hans Bergstrand (+ add me)
Johan Falk (+ add me)
Jakob Pernvik (+ add me)
Niklas Högefjord (+ add me)
Peter Elmered (+ add me)
Corrie Hammar (+ add me)
Marcus Hall (+ add me)
Details TBD.
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Food QualityHow would you rate the food quality? Think speaker/sponsor dinner, lunches, and afterparty. Food Quality | — |
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