Patrick Faust
Workshop: WordPress basics
WordPress powers over 25% of the web. Although installing and using it is super easy, this workshop will help you become even better at it with some basic tips and tricks, and will get you further in the right direction to succeed with your website or a blog. We will finish with the Q&A, don’t hesitate to prepare some questions!
Konrad Leon Toldy
Radionica: Moj prvi WordPress plugin
U sklopu radionice Moj prvi plugin kreirat ćemo plugin koji će biti spojen s bazom podataka o vremenskoj prognozi i to u realnom vremenu. Korisnik će po aktivaciji plugina u administratorskom dijelu WordPressa moći odabrati željeni grad te prikaz temperature u stupnjevima celzijusa. Nakon odabira željenih parametara isti će se prikazati na web stranici u gornjem desnom kutu, a prikaz će se sastojati od grada i trenutačne temperature u tom gradu.
Potrebno predznanje: osnovno poznavanje PHP-a
Radionica: Prikupljanje i vizualizacija podataka
Kako veliku količinu podataka grafički prikazati?
Postavljanje Gravity formsa na web stranicu izvrstan je način prikupljanja određenih tipskih informacija od krajnjih korisnika tj. posjetitelja web stranice. Prikupljene podatke uvijek je poželjno vizualno prikazati jer je to najjednostavniji način pregleda velike količine podataka. Google chartovi su pak jedan od oblika grafičke vizualizacije podataka, a u okviru ove radionice vrijeme ćemo posvetiti kreiranju skripte koja će u konačnici omogućiti automatsko povlačenje sakupljenih podataka te njihovo vizualno prikazivanje.
Potrebno predznanje: osnovno poznavanje PHP-a
Radionica: Kako da se vaš korisnik osjeća kao superheroj u 5 jednostavnih koraka
Sve može biti proizvod ali samo oni laki za upotrebu mogu biti uspješni. Istraživanje konkurecije, potencijalnih korisnika i njihovih potreba može biti težak posao. Čak i kad imate precizno definiranu strategiju, izvršenje vas čeka već na sljedećem koraku, a ako izvršenje ne bude sjajno – vaš će proizvod ili sjajna ideja i uz izvanredno planiranje, završiti kao sasvim prosječan ili loš proizvod.
Aleksandar Savković iz ManageWP-a (firme s tisućama korisnika) otkriti će nam tajne onboarding procesa. Finalni je cilj da se naš korisnik osjeća kao superheroj, a to možemo postići tako da imamo kvalitetan onboarding proces, sjajnu podršku i izvanredno izvršenje. A kako sve to postići? Nije lako, ali je izvodljivo, a prave tajne možete saznati na ovoj radionici.
Krešimir Končić
Radionica: (Uvod u) Upravljanje WordPress projektima
WordPress se promovira kao alat za laku objavu sadržaja, no razvoj WordPress projekata je ipak drugačija (i kompliciranija) priča. Na radionici ćemo obraditi dodirne točke svakog projekta – klijente, dizajn, “bugove”, rokove, podršku korisnicima itd. – i odrediti koji faktori utječu na uspješnost tipičnog WP projekta. Poseban naglasak ćemo staviti na izbjegavanje rizika kod upravljanja WordPress projektom.
Radionica će obraditi tri glavne faze svakog WordPress razvoja: planiranje i pripremu, realizaciju projekta, podršku nakon pokretanja projekta (after launch). Svaku fazu ćemo obraditi kroz uvodni razgovor, sesiju sa pitanjima i odgovorima te upoznavanje s modernim alatima koji nam pomažu pri vođenju projekata (JIRA, Harvest, Slack, HipChat, Zendesk, Freshbooks, Asana, Trello, Google apps, Office, Xero, osnove verzioniranja pomoću Git-a).
Tomislav Leljak
Using WordPress REST API
In his talk about WordPress REST API, Tomislav will give us some real life examples on how to connect mobile applications to WordPress to get the best of both worlds. With WP REST API WordPress became fully-featured application platform and it opened itself up to every other application and development environment on Earth.
Joško Džidić
The frustration with website security
People just expect their sites to be secure, and I’ll admit, I did for the longest time too! But that’s a far cry from reality. There are some real threats to your online safety, even including you—the website owner.
Today, there is so much complexity when it comes to website security, it’s frustrating to say the least! The landscape is constantly changing, hackers are getting better, and website owners are misinformed, uninformed, or just don’t have the time to educate themselves, or just don’t care.
This talk is designed to break down website security at its most fundamental level and understand that there is no 100% solution out there, there never will be. Security is about technology, processes, and people, and we need to know how to mitigate risk in these areas.
Emir Kurtović
Related posts based on user engagement
User interaction on posts (social shares, time spent on viewing post, etc) to calculate related posts to be shown.
Moving forward in WordPress
WordPress has created many opportunities for people all around the world, so many people are curious about how it could help them grow. In his talk, Noel will discuss the path to success for anyone interested in working with WordPress, remote working or generally being part of this movement.
Nela Dunato
End Design Revision Hell
Design is easy to see, and this makes it an easy target to shoot down by anyone and everyone. Bad design process leads to many problems, such as matters of personal taste determining the outcome of the project, and endless revisions that postpone the website launch date. In this presentation you’ll learn the two biggest mistakes designers and other professionals make in their process, and how to fix them so your design concepts get accepted faster.
Natko Hasić
Designing a Brand
How to make your WordPress product stand out from the crowd. Designing a visual identity and building a brand around a plugin or a theme is important, but often neglected. Talk goes into basics of designing brand identity, showcases examples of recognizable brands in the WordPress community and describes how anyone can create a (basic) brand for their product even without an extensive design background. Goal is to raise awareness around branding and teach basics that can later be applied to any digital or real-life product.
Team up for Themes
There is nothing more beautiful than giving back to the community; I firmly believe in that. In my talk, I will cover all the aspects of reviewing the theme and will include the best practices from the both sides: Theme submitter and Theme reviewer.
Borko Livić
Kako kvalitetno prikazati varijacije proizvoda? (savjeti i trikovi)
Neke web trgovine prodaju “jednostavne” proizvode. Kupci ih pogledaju, dopadne im se, dodaju u košaricu, plate i preuzmu. No, ponekad će kupcima prije dodavanja u košaricu biti ponuđen izbor opcija. Opcije mogu biti jednostavne poput izbora veličine i boje odjeće ili složenije, poput odabira parametara za dioptrijske leće ili dizajniranja/personalizacije proizvoda od strane kupca. Saznajte kako pojednostaviti i prilagoditi odabir te kvalitetno prikazati varijabilne proizvode u vašoj web trgovini baziranoj na WooCoomerceu.
Luca Sartoni
Workshop: The Art of Public Speaking
Public Speaking requires technique and preparation. This workshop will provide an easy workflow to follow to prepare your next presentation. It will help you overcome stage fright and will make everybody able to prepare an effective presentation and an outstanding stage performance. Luca Sartoni has been training industry leaders for over a decade, helping them unleash their presentation skills.
Growth Methodologies in a Distributed Environment
Testing activities are effective only under strict circumstances. When I started my adventure at Automattic, the welcome message was: “Welcome to the chaos.” This presentation narrates the journey we had to conduct to implement strict growth methodologies in a distributed environment.
Lucijan Blagonic
Moving the design process to the browser
Responsive design has changed the way we think about designing websites — we have to cater to wide range of devices and interactions and adapt our design process accordingly. Learn about the benefits of utilising a style guide to establish a strong visual language which will help you design and code stand–alone modular components.
Andrej Šimunaj
Custom URL structures in WordPress
Possibility to create custom URL structure in WordPress is a very helpful feature, although not a lot of people are familiar with it and WP Rewrite API and how to use it. Most common scenario where we would need custom URL structure is to create endpoints for content related to multiple taxonomies or custom fields (eg. Let’s say we have post type ‘Speakers’ and 2 taxonomies – ‘type’ and ‘level’, and we want to create an endpoint like this: ‘/speakers/design/advanced’). Another example is migrating a site from another system to WordPress with 1000s URLs and mapping those URLs to resolve on the correct new endpoint (very important for SEO).
Tomaž Zaman
How to start a business in WordPress; a Codeable story
When Tomaž started Codeable, he has been a complete newbie to the WordPress ecosystem, not knowing anything about the community or the platform itself. In his talk, he’ll describe the good, the bad and the ugly of his journey of building a web-based, WordPress-centric, and profitable business from the idea onward.
Nevena Tomović
How To Grow Your Business By Producing Quality Blog Posts?
Blogs are perceived as non-fee earners, as it were, and reasonable questions are asked about how blogging will add value to the bottom line. Can a business blog directly generate revenue and how? My presentation will discuss the essential role blogging plays in lead generation, community building, customer support and establishing authority. Blogging is about driving long-term results; so be patient and get your Blog On!
Organizers for this event are unavailable or have not been announced.
Details TBD.
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Food QualityHow would you rate the food quality? Thinks lunches, coffee breaks, and afterparty. Food Quality | — |
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Networking OpportunitiesWere there networking opportunities? Think about parties, hallway track, and event attendance. Networking Opportunities | — |
Sponsor RepresentationWas there a variety of different kinds of sponsors in attendance? Sponsor Representation | — |
Speakers (0 ratings)
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Venue QualityHow was the cleanliness and layout of the venue? If online, how was the video platform? Venue Quality | — |
Food QualityHow would you rate the food quality? Think speaker/sponsor dinner, lunches, and afterparty. Food Quality | — |
Session AttendanceWere the sessions well attended? How about your session? Session Attendance | — |
AffordabilityWas it affordable for you to speak at this event? Affordability | — |
Sponsors (0 ratings)
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Venue QualityHow was the cleanliness and layout of the venue? If online, how was the video platform? Venue Quality | — |
Affordability/ValueWas it affordable for you to sponsor this event? Do you feel like you got value in return? Affordability/Value | — |
Event AttendanceHow well was this event attended? Do you feel there were enough people to justify your presence? Event Attendance | — |
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