November 24, 2024 • #WCSOF

WordCamp Sofia 2024

Number of expected attendees: 350-400
Total tickets sold: 498

The local community around WordCamp Sofia:

Ivan Arnaudov

Ivan Arnaudov

Sofia, Sofia City Province

Nikolay Djemerenov

Nikolay Djemerenov

Sofia, Sofia City Province

Milan Djordjevic

Milan Djordjevic

Niš, Nišava District

Jordan Hlebarov

Jordan Hlebarov

Sofia, Sofia City Province

Ismail Ismail

Ismail Ismail

Sofia, Sofia City Province

Nick Krastev

Nick Krastev

Sofia, Sofia City Province

Svilena Peneva

Svilena Peneva

Sofia, Sofia City Province

Petya Petkova

Petya Petkova

Sofia, Sofia City Province

Petya Raykovska

Petya Raykovska

Sofia, Sofia City Province

Rosana  Rusanova

Rosana Rusanova

Sofia, Sofia City Province

David Shojikj

David Shojikj

Kumanovo, Municipality of Kumanovo

Elena  Tileva

Elena Tileva

Plovdiv, Plovdiv Province

Stefan Velev

Stefan Velev

Sofia, Sofia City Province

Check out the folks who attended 🇧🇬 WordCamp Sofia 2024:

Sorted in order of least travel distance to greatest.

Nikola NikolovGabrovo, Bulgaria

Nikola Nikolov

Gabrovo, Bulgaria

Travel distance:
100 miles (161 km)

Remkus de VriesOudehorne, Friesland, Netherlands

Remkus de Vries

Oudehorne, Friesland, Netherlands

Travel distance:
1,066 miles (1,716 km)

Cyrille CoquardRennes, Brittany, France

Cyrille Coquard

Rennes, Brittany, France

Travel distance:
1,266 miles (2,038 km)


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WordCamp Sofia is an event that brings together developers, designers, and WordPress users, offering them the opportunity to exchange knowledge and have fun. The conference features a variety of talks, workshops, and discussion panels on everything related to WordPress, including tips, best practices, and the latest developments on the platform.

This year, WordCamp Sofia is returning live at Sofia Tech Park, so don’t miss the chance to join us! We’re looking forward to welcoming you with an exciting program, local and international speakers, and countless WordPress community members, with whom you can share knowledge, opinions, experiences, or simply chat over a cup of aromatic coffee.