GOUTEN (Takenori Okashita) @gouten5010 Speaker Page
おもち。 @omochi Speaker Page
ながとみちはる @luchino__ Speaker Page
マクラケン直子 @nao Speaker Page
上村崇 @nao Speaker Page
中本憲一 @bren_boss Speaker Page
前川美智代 @iamtakashi Speaker Page
加藤貴一 @kipa Speaker Page
和田哲 @kipa Speaker Page
堀家隆宏 @horike Speaker Page
大曲仁 @jim912 Speaker Page
宮内隆行 @miyauchi Speaker Page
岡田陽一 @miyauchi Speaker Page
徳本奈穂子 @miyauchi Speaker Page
星野邦敏 @khoshino Speaker Page
森川琢磨 @tmtoy Speaker Page
渡邉ぎいち @tmtoy Speaker Page
滝口敦弘 @tmtoy Speaker Page
瀬口理恵 @rie05 Speaker Page
菱川拓郎 @hissy Speaker Page
藤原佳通 @hissy Speaker Page
西山拓磨 @hissy Speaker Page
野島祐慈 @yuka2py Speaker Page
野田純生 @yuka2py Speaker Page
額賀順子 @nukaga Speaker Page
These are the people that make this event happen. They work tirelessly for weeks and months to plan, coordinate, and execute the best event possible. If you get a chance to thank them, please do!
Takenori Okashita (GOUTEN)
ながとみ ちはる
駒形 夢芽
こばやし たけし
Details TBD.
Attendees (0 ratings)
Be the first attendee!Overall ExperienceHow would you rate the overall experience of the event? Overall Experience | — |
Topic CoverageWas there a variety of topics to choose from? Topic Coverage | — |
Session QualityHow interesting and polished were the sessions? Session Quality | — |
Speaker DiversityWas there diverse representation in the speaker lineup? Speaker Diversity | — |
Venue QualityHow was the cleanliness and layout of the venue? If online, how was the video platform? Venue Quality | — |
Food QualityHow would you rate the food quality? Thinks lunches, coffee breaks, and afterparty. Food Quality | — |
AffordabilityWas this event affordable for you? Affordability | — |
Networking OpportunitiesWere there networking opportunities? Think about parties, hallway track, and event attendance. Networking Opportunities | — |
Sponsor RepresentationWas there a variety of different kinds of sponsors in attendance? Sponsor Representation | — |
Speakers (0 ratings)
Be the first speaker!Overall ExperienceHow would you rate the overall experience of the event? Overall Experience | — |
Organizer CommunicationHow well did the organizers communicate about the event? Organizer Communication | — |
Venue QualityHow was the cleanliness and layout of the venue? If online, how was the video platform? Venue Quality | — |
Food QualityHow would you rate the food quality? Think speaker/sponsor dinner, lunches, and afterparty. Food Quality | — |
Session AttendanceWere the sessions well attended? How about your session? Session Attendance | — |
AffordabilityWas it affordable for you to speak at this event? Affordability | — |
Sponsors (0 ratings)
Be the first sponsor!Overall ExperienceHow would you rate the overall experience of the event? Overall Experience | — |
Organizer CommunicationHow well did the organizers communicate about the event? Organizer Communication | — |
Proximity to AttendeesWas the sponsor area in a high-traffic location? Proximity to Attendees | — |
Venue QualityHow was the cleanliness and layout of the venue? If online, how was the video platform? Venue Quality | — |
Affordability/ValueWas it affordable for you to sponsor this event? Do you feel like you got value in return? Affordability/Value | — |
Event AttendanceHow well was this event attended? Do you feel there were enough people to justify your presence? Event Attendance | — |
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