Check out the folks who attended WordCamp Lausanne 2018:
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Alain Schlesser
Embracing Gutenberg in existing code
An overview of the general concepts that govern development in the Gutenberg era.
Discussion of the different tricks & techniques you can use to gradually move your existing code from here to there, in a clean transition.
Gutenberg is a major change to how you develop software for WordPress. The changes will start with the WordPress editor but the long term plan is for Gutenberg to slowly take over the entire admin interface.
If you already have existing plugin or theme code that you need to maintain and make ready for the upcoming Gutenberg update, you will probably face some architectural design challenges. This session will help prepare you to make those changes in a clean transition.
Ulrich Pogson
Introduction to Gutenberg
Rémy Blättler
Table ronde -> Multilingue
Frédéric Demarle
Table ronde -> Multilingue
Petra Wildemann
Impacts of GDPR in Actuarial work
« GDPR has a special impact to Actuarial work, which deals with numbers, portfolios and requires personal data in order to do the calculations for pricing along the value chain for insurers. Actuarial work is often outsourced and requires the access of data.
In my discussion, I give use cases and examples what is the impact of GDPR to Actuarial work. »
Carole Olinger
Table ronde -> WordPress et les Femmes en 2018
Quelle est la place des femmes dans la communauté WordPress en 2018.
Une table ronde pour en débattre.
Table ronde -> WordPress et les Femmes en 2018
Quelle est la place des femmes dans la communauté WordPress en 2018.
Une table ronde pour en débattre.
Combattre la peur de la prise de parole en public
Table ronde -> Multilingue
Augustin Prot
Pascal Hämmerli
Table ronde -> Multilingue
Pascal Knecht
Theme Development with Timber & Twig
Timber is a WordPress integration of the popular templating language Twig. The powerful combination of Twig with WordPress enables developers to efficiently build Themes for WordPress. In this talk I am going to explain how Timber and Twig work and how to avoid the pitfalls that come with this integration.
Alena Belousova
Best practices for my first website
My mission is to help every #entrepreneur and small business to understand all possibilities of the modern Internet and to do a conscious choice about their strategy how to reach their customers and let their business a good start.Step-by-step practice for non-developers on how to create their own website on WordPress.
– Comparison with other solutions.
– Advantages of using WordPress.
– Domain, hosting, SEO.
– Advantages of using Ocean WP theme and Elementor plugin.
Deborah Donnier
Table ronde -> WordPress et les Femmes en 2018
Quelle est la place des femmes dans la communauté WordPress en 2018.
Une table ronde pour en débattre.
Jeremy Matter
Outils de développement avancés sur WordPress
Présentation de l’évolution des outils utilisés dans mon workflow de développement.
Présentation des outils de afin d’amener le développement WordPress à un autre niveau.
My WordPress story: From hobby to agency to pursuing my dream
I started working with WordPress in 2006 when I first discovered it. Back then you couldn’t even set a static home page for your site and it was still targeted as a tool mostly for blogging. Nevertheless I fell in love with the ease of use and the flexiblity of extending it through plugins. After some experience as a frontend engineer, mostly for .NET projects with a small and then a big agency, I ended up coding WordPress projects at the big agency. As I still used WordPress for my own sites and a few side-projects, this was huge for me.
In 2011 I had enough from the big agency grind and decided to start my own business. Back then required was already in the back of my head. After running solo for 1.5 years we finally started required, an agency focussing on WordPress and UX with a heart for open source software and community.
Two years into it I started gardening with friends just for fun. Last year I realised that my motivation to keep a secure job at a growing agency was slowly fading and I took some time off. I realised that building similar sites over and over again wasn’t my thing anymore and as the agency grew, so did the clients and budgets.
This lead to more and more meetings and more politics involved in larger corporations, good for the business, not so good for my mental health. So after taking some time off I told my co-founders that I wouldn’t come back and bet my time on my passion, food gardens. This is a my WordPress story, a story about mental health, pursuing your dreams, building and running an agency and when to follow your heart.
How to get your visitors where they need to be
During my talk, we’ll look at a few common theme concepts as they apply to live websites, and explain how to plan the layout of your site to ensure that visitors get to the information they need as quickly and easily as possible.
The original presentation was made in Bern last year, but is tailored to French-speaking Switzerland and features new and local websites.
François Lamotte
Les 10 clés stratégiques pour écrire comme un PRO du SEO … sans être un pro
Ecrire pour arriver à classer un texte dans un TOP 10 sans utiliser le netlinking, est-ce possible en 2018 sans tricher?
Il y a eu l’époque des mots-clés qu’il fallait mouliner, puis Google Panda est passé par là. Il a fallu développer des structures de textes plus élaborées pour aider RankBrain à classer nos contenus : Commencer à mesurer la longueur de son texte, l’usage de certaines phrases ou certaines expressions, l’usage de certains médias (ou pas), de meta-données structurées, …
Avec toutes les histoires entendues sur le SEO, on peut avoir l’impression qu’écrire pour être classé dans un TOP 10 est devenu compliqué. Et ceci sans utiliser d’artifices borderline pour « faker » une popularité et une autorité et prendre des risques d’être pénalisé.
Je vous montrerai en 10 points (et quelques bonus) une série de secrets utilisés pour structurer un processus de travail de rédaction qui vous simplifiera la vie. Le tout illustré par différents exemples « prouvant » les résultats obtenus avec la méthode.
Que vous soyez rédacteur ou que vous collaboriez avec des rédacteurs, je vais vous montrer un workflow qui évitera de remanier trop de fois un texte pour arriver à le classer sur une expression donnée.
Nico Martin
Progressive Web Apps – The next big thing
Progressive Web Apps offer new ways of delivering great user experiences over the web.
In this talk, I will give an overview about PWAs, what they are, what problems they solve and why they are amazing. Then, of course, I will give an introduction on how you can use PWA features on any WordPress site, together with a little sneak peek at what is planned for the WordPress Core.
Frédérique Game
Table ronde -> WordPress et les Femmes en 2018
Quelle est la place des femmes dans la communauté WordPress en 2018.
Une table ronde pour en débattre.
Design et Marketing : guidelines et process au service de vos projets web
Afin de bien structurer le périmètre d’un projet web et répondre aux besoins d’un client : mettre en place une communication sur mesure à l’aide de guides, guidelines, patterns, règles de marketing et typographiques, établir des flux et process efficaces.
George Gkouvousis
Setting up the ideal webserver for WordPress: from zero to hero!
at the end of my talk, everyone should be able to make his/her Virtual Private Server to a blazing fast WordPress LNMP stack. We gonna talk about NGINX, PHP7, MySQL/MariaDB, Redis Cache, ways of speeding up WordPress an a few other performance-related things.
Two ways to create a staging site – a practical demo
Nobody likes a broken website. Especially website owners. This is why using a staging (test) site is highly recommended, where you can test any changes and updates to your website without disturbing the traffic on your live site or even wrecking it.
During the workshop I will demonstrate two different methods of setting up a staging site (remote and local) with the help of WordPress plugins and some free software.
Simon Kraft
Publish a Podcast with WordPress
Podcasting is like blogging in audio. Thats (and some technical details) are the reason, why WordPress happens to be the perfect platform for podcast publishing.
In this Workshop we’re not only going build our own podcast site with WordPress, we’ll also take a look at some other tools, and possible hardware setups, one might use in order to publish episodes of their own. There will be some audio equipment to play with as well 🙂
Mike Rynart
A deep dive into WordPress performance
A deep dive into WordPress performance enhancements with a resounding impact on organic traffic, content engagement, and conversions. User are expecting more and more from the web experiences that they interact with, and want their sites to load instantly. The key to a good user experience is quickly delivering the content your visitors care about the most.
In this talk, I’ll give you a whirlwind tour of tips and tricks how to speed up your website.
Whether you’re new to WordPress and curious how to make your website faster, or you’re an advanced professional looking to speed up your clients’ sites, this session is for you.
Marius Vetrici
Pricing WordPress projects with confidence
The CHAOS reports published the Standish Group reveal the dramatic reality of the software projects: 19% of the web projects are considered complete failures, 52% are challenged and only 29% of the projects are considered successful.
In this presentation, a repeatable process for project estimation and pricing will be illustrated. The process manages to harness the black art of project estimation through a methodical approach and scientific tools.
The main steps of the process are:
1. Client and project qualification – decide if this project is for you based on a clear set of criteria and questions.
2. Pre-scoping phase – understand client requirements, ask questions to clarify details and understand his business context.
3. [optional] Ballpark estimate – for large projects, we only offer a ballpark estimate.
4. [optional] Paid scoping phase – paid consultation to flesh out the requirements and write the spec document.
5. [optional] Discovery phase – allocate between 5 to 20h to create a micro prototype that will provide visibility and eliminate the technical risks.
6. Work on estimating the project
a. Break down the entire project to small tasks of maximum 6 hours each.
b. Make sure you include in your estimate activities like initial setup of the development environment, deployment, and others.
c. Ask the developer that will be working on the project (or a Senior Developer) to provide a 3 point estimate for every task in the list. Include an expected, best case and worst case estimate for every task.
d. If a task is estimated at more than 6h, break it down further to smaller tasks.
e. If it is not possible to break down a task into smaller max 6h tasks, run a “Discovery phase” and create a micro prototype to eliminate the risks and gain clarity (see point #5 above).
f. Add up the values and calculate the total.
g. Add your project management coefficient on top of the total.
h. Know your team’s mean estimate error from your last year and apply it on top of the total.
7. Communicate the estimate to the client.
Emilie Lebrun
Table ronde -> WordPress et les Femmes en 2018
Quelle est la place des femmes dans la communauté WordPress en 2018.
Une table ronde pour en débattre.
Comment piloter à distance ses équipes ou la boîte à outil de tous télétravailleurs
De plus en plus d’entreprises permettent ou sont 100% en télétravail, tout comme chaque année des dizaines de WordCamps sont organisés à distance. Cette nouvelle façon de collaborer offre de nombreuses opportunités et bénéfices pour les salariés mais entraînent également une remise en question des outils et du management.
Tiré de mon expérience de pilotage de plusieurs équipes à distance, je vous propose de partager mes techniques, outils, bonnes pratiques et aussi les erreurs que j’ai pu commettre pour vous aider à mieux travailler à distance… ou vous lancer. Comment réussir à travailler à distance ? Quels sont les outils à utiliser et comment éviter les pièges ? Comment garantir un travail en équipe et expliquer à votre patron ou à vos clients, les bénéfices de ne plus travailler dans un bureau ?
These are the people that make this event happen. They work tirelessly for weeks and months to plan, coordinate, and execute the best event possible. If you get a chance to thank them, please do!
Cyril Bron – Communication, médias (+ add me)
Benoît Chantre – Graphisme, Swag (+ add me)
Benjamin Genevay – Audio/Vidéo (+ add me)
Emmanuelle Germond – Bénévoles/Salle (+ add me)
Manuel Schmalstieg – Site Web (+ add me)
John Robert-Nicoud – Orateurs (+ add me)
Christoph von Siebenthal – Photographies (+ add me)
Helen Yau After-Party/Warm up event (+ add me)
Details TBD.
Attendees (0 ratings)
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Topic CoverageWas there a variety of topics to choose from? Topic Coverage | — |
Session QualityHow interesting and polished were the sessions? Session Quality | — |
Speaker DiversityWas there diverse representation in the speaker lineup? Speaker Diversity | — |
Venue QualityHow was the cleanliness and layout of the venue? If online, how was the video platform? Venue Quality | — |
Food QualityHow would you rate the food quality? Thinks lunches, coffee breaks, and afterparty. Food Quality | — |
AffordabilityWas this event affordable for you? Affordability | — |
Networking OpportunitiesWere there networking opportunities? Think about parties, hallway track, and event attendance. Networking Opportunities | — |
Sponsor RepresentationWas there a variety of different kinds of sponsors in attendance? Sponsor Representation | — |
Speakers (0 ratings)
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Organizer CommunicationHow well did the organizers communicate about the event? Organizer Communication | — |
Venue QualityHow was the cleanliness and layout of the venue? If online, how was the video platform? Venue Quality | — |
Food QualityHow would you rate the food quality? Think speaker/sponsor dinner, lunches, and afterparty. Food Quality | — |
Session AttendanceWere the sessions well attended? How about your session? Session Attendance | — |
AffordabilityWas it affordable for you to speak at this event? Affordability | — |
Sponsors (0 ratings)
Be the first sponsor!Overall ExperienceHow would you rate the overall experience of the event? Overall Experience | — |
Organizer CommunicationHow well did the organizers communicate about the event? Organizer Communication | — |
Proximity to AttendeesWas the sponsor area in a high-traffic location? Proximity to Attendees | — |
Venue QualityHow was the cleanliness and layout of the venue? If online, how was the video platform? Venue Quality | — |
Affordability/ValueWas it affordable for you to sponsor this event? Do you feel like you got value in return? Affordability/Value | — |
Event AttendanceHow well was this event attended? Do you feel there were enough people to justify your presence? Event Attendance | — |
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