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Šta je WordCamp Europe?
O tome šta je WordCamp Europe, zašto je bitan i kako je ušao u naše živote probaće da nam objasni Milan Ivanović
Emanuel Blagonić
Rad Sa Klijentima 101 // Cro
Šta je naš posao kao web dizajner/developer? Kako je raslo tržište u Hrvatskoj i Srbiji, a kako ono u svetu? Koje su prednosti jednog, odnosno drugog tržišta? Na šta morate da budete spremni kad razgovarate s klijentima? Da li morate da radite sa svakim klijentom? Šta se događa kad krenete da radite sa klijentom koji nije “dobar za vas”?
Predavač: Emanuel Blagonić, dizajner, Blagonic Brothers
Jezik: hrvatski
Trajanje radionice: 2 sata
• Laptop nije neophodno imati, ali je poželjno
Analiza klijenata
Kako analiziramo klijenta? Na šta moramo paziti? Kako da ostvarimo prvi kontakt sa klijentom? U kojem trenutku šaljemo upitnik/brief klijentu? Klijent je došao preko preporuka – kako preporuka utiče na cenu i kvalitet klijenta? Treba li klijent da vam bude prijatelj?
Uvodni sastanak i izrada ponuda i pregovaranje
Što je to uvodni sastanak i čemu služi? Zašto je uvodni sastanak s klijentom važan? Kako definirati zajedničke ciljeve između vas kao agencije i klijenta, čime ćete na kraju oboje biti zadovoljni? Kako uvodni sastanak utječe na kasniju izradu ponude? Što ako vam se klijent ne svidi nakon uvodnog sastanka?
II blok predavanja
Project management, komunikacija sa klijentom i optimizacija sopstvenog poslovnog procesa
U drugom bloku ćemo pričati o tome kako teče proces rada na projektu, od trenutka kad klijent uplati dogovoreni avans. Pokrićemo sve što treba da znate o vođenju projekta od početka do kraja. Koje alate koristiti u vođenju projekata? Je li bolji Basecamp ili Teamwork? Zašto je Trello dobar izbor? Kojim kanalima (uspešno) komunicirati sa klijentom? Kako komunicirati sa klijentom?
Više o radionici možete da pročitate ovde.
Danilo Novaković
Better User Experience for WordPress Editor // En
Your client is pissed, it is not easy to edit the content like he was expecting it would be. You don’t understand what the heck is the problem, you integrated everything, but so many options seem to be the problem even for you to edit, so you are in the position that if you want to make your client happy, you need to use your CMS and add content.
But, you don’t want to be a content editor, and you don’t want to lose your client. How to make a better approach, easy to use and make win-win on both sides.
Nevena Tomović
The Irresistible Power of Strategic Storytelling // En
The aim of this course is to help you in your first steps of online content writing, by focusing on strategic storytelling. You will learn through examples, so get ready to write your own story! By working on case studies you will apply storytelling to real life business scenarios. You will be provided with quality resources and ideas on how to write engaging stories, hook your reader, and draw them in to take the call to action.
Instructor: Nevena Tomovic, Marketing Coordinator at GoDaddy
Language: English
Duration: 2 hours
Bring along: A laptop
What you will learn:
• How to write an engaging story
• How to tailor your story for your target audience
• How to use stories in content marketing
These skills are your first stepping stone towards any online writing and marketing. This course will set you up for future copywriting and professional blogging. You will also be able to start your own blog successfully, and write for external business blogs.
WordPress Workshops for Children // En
The goal of the workshops is to introduce WordPress to a younger audience and to show different aspects of the software to kids who are interested in writing or developing with it.
Introduction to WordPress
Instructor: Petya Raykovska, Senior Project manager at Human Made and WordPress Polyglots Global Communication Lead
Suitable for: Students ages 10-18 with basic internet skills interested in blogging and writing
Language: English
Duration: 2 hours
Sessions: Morning: 11am – 1pm
Capacity: 15 students
Bring along: A laptop (optional)
What you will learn:
• How to set up your own personal site
• How to publish content, text, images, video, galleries
• How to change the way your site looks like
• How to extend your site with more functionality
The Open Source Agency and the future of work // En
WordPress is growing and the number of big brands, complicated projects and high-traffic sites running on it grows as well. But what does it take to run a stable business based on WordPress? How do some agencies manage to get big and take on more and more challenging clients and projects while others struggle?
This talk explores several habits that successful open source agencies have in common. From client relations to processes, company culture and hiring, it gives you pieces of know-how from some of the most successful WordPress agencies.
Marko Tanasković
Šta je to levak (AARRR funnel) i zašto bi me to zanimalo? // Sr
Saznajte zasto je Funnel kriticni deo svakog biznisa i kako jasno definisan Funnel moze pomoci da unapredite vase poslovanje i prosirite bazu lojalnih klijenata.
Marija Zarić
The process of creating small responsive websites // En
Moja tema bi bila kreiranje responsivnih small business websajtova from scratch sa celim procesom od momenta kada dobijem projekat od klijenta, istrazivanje, koncept sa akcentom na dizajniranje u pretrazivacu, dalje sa kreiranjem php fajlova za WordPress, kreiranjem stranica, ubacivanjem sadrzaja, slika….
Lucijan Blagonić
Make Informed Design Decisions By Understanding Your Audience // En
Our design and development approach is often guided by our experience and personal preferences. We often set technical expectations of the project but neglect the user or the client ones. Whether you are doing a redesign or building a website from scratch — you can’t start the project without knowing about your target audiences and defining project outcomes. What makes a project successful? Is the redesign meant to improve user engagement and how? Do we want to increase the number of visits from mobile devices? Or reduce bounce rate? Defining clear goals up front helps you do the best possible work within these constraints. In this talk, you’ll learn tips and tricks on how to supercharge your design process by utilizing questionnaires, tools like HotJar, Google Analytics, and others to help you better understand your surroundings and make informed decisions.
Aleksandar Andrijević
WordPress integracija sa programima za poslovanje i prodaju // Sr
Saznajte kako da povežete Vaš poslovni software sa WordPress platformom, kako da prenesete vašu prodaju na WooCommerce rešenje, kako da skratite vreme za administraciju Vaše prodavnice.
Dario Jazbec Hrvatin
How to write to achieve your goals – writing tips for everyone // En
Short introduction on why good writing is important for different parts of our work, from development to documentation and support. Then I will share 5 hints, which are: 1. Follow the process – We will cover some basic and essentials of the writing process that can be applied to any kind of writing. Why it is important to start with describing the problem and setting up the goals. 2. Put your ego aside – Why it is so important not to get involve personally into writing and be open for criticism and feedback. The role of a good reviewer. 3. Measure your results and keep improving – We explain that successful writing doesn’t end when the doc is published but when the goals are achieved. 4. Write for fast reading – We will explain why it is so important to develop the skill for writing for fast reading. We will share some example with removing the so-called “happy talk”, the importance of the descriptive subheadings etc. 5. Keep developing your skills. – Shortly, what you can do to develop your writing skills. 6. Tools of the trade. – Short list of free and premium tools you can use to write better.
Ratko Šolaja
In’s and out’s of plugin creation EXTENDED // En
Plugins are a vital part of WordPress websites that need specific functionalities. While the official WordPress repository has more than 45,000 plugins from you to choose from, many of these plugins miss the mark. Just because a plugin is in the repository doesn’t mean it won’t hinder its performance or compromise its security. So what can you do? Well, you can build your own. In this talk we’ll talk about what you should do when building a plugin as well as walk trough how that can be done trough an example plugin called Toptal Save.
How WordPress gave me a new life // Sr
Story about village boy(me) journey from computer and internet lover who was forced to do minimal wage jobs because of lack of education to well earning WordPress freelancer doing his dream job.
Bojan Krstić
SEO u 2017. za WordPress sajt // Sr
1. Šta je SEO i kako funkcioniše pretraga
2. Najvažniji faktori za rangiranje na rezultatima pretrage
3. Google smernice
4. Podela SEO (OnPage SEO, Content, Technical SEO, OffPage SEO)
5. OnPage SEO (Title i meta tagovi, URL adresa, H1 tag / Subline H2 tag, Images, Keywords, Outbound links, Internal links, Sharing buttons)
6. Technical SEO (Responsive, Sitemap, Seach Console, Google Analytics, Site speed, Image optimization, Hosting, SSL, Broken links)
7. Dodaci za WordPress SEO (Yoast SEo, 404, Sitemap XML, Cache plugin itd.)
1. What is SEO and how search works
2. The most important factors for ranking in the search results
3. Google Webmaster Guidelines
4. Distribution of SEO (OnPage SEO, Content, Technical SEO, SEO OffPage)
5. OnPage SEO (Title and Meta tags, URLs, H1 tag / Subline H2 tag, Images, Keywords, Outbound links, External links, Sharing buttons)
6. Technical SEO (Responsive, Sitemap, Seach Console, Google Analytics, Site speed, Image optimization, SSL, Broken links)
7. Plugins for WordPress SEO (Yoast SEO, 404, Sitemap XML, Cache plugin etc.)
Stevica Gološin
How To Write Better Articles With Yoast SEO Plugin // Sr
Koristi se za poboljšanje on-page SEO, ali može puno da pomogne oko poboljšanja članaka.
Sastoji se od dva dela:
• Readability – čitljivost
• Focus keyword(s) – glavna ključna reč
Zbog čega je bitno odraditi tekst po uputstvima za on-page SEO
Šta pokrivam:
• Keyword density
• Keyword in the first paragraph
• Meta desctiption: length and keyword in it
• Subheadings must have keyword
• Text length
Šta nam daje readability
• Passive voice – zbog čega smanjiti? Kako smanjiti?
• Transition word – zašto se koristi? Kako koristiti?
• Stop word – izbegavati kod naslova i podnaslova
• Suviše dugačke rečenice zbog čega ih ne treba pisati? Kako smanjiti?
• Dugački pasusi – kako ih smanjiti?
Na kraju proveriti gramatiku (samo spominjem alate): Grammarly, MS Word ili SmallSeoTools
Ivelina Dimova
The magic of debugging legacy code // En
As lead of the Ongoing Client Support at CrowdFavorite I’ve worked with lots of legacy code on different projects. This session covers some of the lessons we’ve learned in the process and tips how to deal with the most common issues faster and more effective. It also shows how the legacy code can be actually fun.
Jelena Radovanović
Kako sam pomoću bloga izgradila lični brend i kako to vi možete uraditi // Sr
Jelena je pokrenula svoj WordPress blog Može i ovako krajem 2013, sa idejom da svojim iskustvom pomogne drugim freelance piscima i blogerima. Zahvaljujući blogu prilično brzo je napravila sebi ime u domaćoj internet zajednici i otvorila vrata mnogim poslovnim prilikama. Na WordCampu će analizirati šta je to tačno radila na blogu, kako je to radila i zbog čega je sve to imalo efekta, i kako i drugi freelanceri mogu napraviti slične stvari u svojim domenima, čime god se bavili.
Ivana Ćirković
Šta sve možete raditi u WordPressu kada niste developer i programer // Sr
Znamo da je WordPress vodeća CMS platforma za kreiranje sajtova i platformi za sav taj online sadržaj, a znamo li šta sve sa njim možemo raditi ako nismo developeri, programeri ili blogeri?
Bojan Petrović
Svako “ne” je “da” nečemu drugom // Sr
Nowadays, more than ever, people involved in the IT industry have a great power to change things (or lives) for better or for worse, in terms of both science, economy and humanity.
My presentation will cover some interesting ideas on how every action you take can affect someone else’s life, and inspire you to think twice before you make a decision. Living in a small southeastern country in Europe, whether you are a 9-5 WordPress developer, business owner, freelancer or a student, there is much more you can do (or avoid doing!?) in order to help people around you, your country, as well as both the local and global community.
Woo Woo its the sound of the e-Commerce // En
The power of Woocommerce for all, front-end, back-end and their API. With the help of Woocommerce Ive managed to solo build the front-end, back-end and their API for the mobile apps for both iOS and Android OS. And their website rocks, having 6000 active users and around 3000 monthly pre-orders.
Milica Đustebek
WordPress and open source software in philanthropy // En
In most charities and non-profits, daily work is focused on providing help and support to those who need it the most. Sometimes there isn’t a budget for high-end IT services so WordPress as free and open source CMS becomes valuable asset when it comes to online presence. It’s simple enough for an inexperienced end-user and flexible enough to create a fundraising platform. In the talk, I would like to present in which ways WordPress as open source CMS is helpful to charities and non-profits in Serbia not only in their online presence but also in their every day activities.
Miloš Mihaljević
To support or the cost of not supporting // Sr
This talk will be about the importance of support. How to try and make your clients happy, advocate for them and be there when things go south. It will be from the SaaS perspective on ManageWP Customer Happiness team example. The goal is to show that it can be implemented even in other areas such as freelancing.
Never edit WordPress core files! Seriously. Just don’t. // Sr
Hacking the WordPress core is a very bad idea! Editing the core files lead to an unstable and unreliable website. Another reasons are security and the fact that probably some other developer will eventually work on that WP site.
Misel Tekinder
WordPress Theme Development: PostCSS to the rescue // En
The introduction of postCSS js plugin in WordPress theme development on solving common CSS problems.
Sabina Ionescu
20 Tools for Your WordPress Business You Didn’t Know You Needed // En
Because of our popular Zerif theme, you’d think that at ThemeIsle we’re only dealing with WordPress themes. But besides selling 20 premium themes, we also have a SaaS plugin business, three blogs and a theme directory. All these require various tools to keep them running smoothly.
I’d like to present the tools and services we are using for various business needs, hoping that at least 4-5 of them will be relevant for each of the people standing in the audience – be it developers, marketers, project managers or bloggers.
The presentation is a fast forward through the services we are using to run our WordPress businesses, from marketing tools (like SendinBlue, HotJar, HootSuite, Printfection) to project management (RedBooth, Trello, TimeDoctor) and from talent pooling (ProBlogger, Workable, Fiverr) to apps you didn’t know you needed (Grammarly, LightShot, RescueTime).
For each of these tools, I will mention an interesting use case, describe the limits of the service or explain the added value it gave us.
Thank you!
These are the people that make this event happen. They work tirelessly for weeks and months to plan, coordinate, and execute the best event possible. If you get a chance to thank them, please do!
Ivana Ćirković (+ add me)
Maja Milošević (+ add me)
Davor Altman (+ add me)
Nemanja Cimbaljević (+ add me)
Vuk Vuković (+ add me)
Miloš Mihaljević (+ add me)
Nemanja Aleksić (+ add me)
Details TBD.
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Speaker DiversityWas there diverse representation in the speaker lineup? Speaker Diversity | — |
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Food QualityHow would you rate the food quality? Thinks lunches, coffee breaks, and afterparty. Food Quality | — |
AffordabilityWas this event affordable for you? Affordability | — |
Networking OpportunitiesWere there networking opportunities? Think about parties, hallway track, and event attendance. Networking Opportunities | — |
Sponsor RepresentationWas there a variety of different kinds of sponsors in attendance? Sponsor Representation | — |
Speakers (0 ratings)
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Organizer CommunicationHow well did the organizers communicate about the event? Organizer Communication | — |
Venue QualityHow was the cleanliness and layout of the venue? If online, how was the video platform? Venue Quality | — |
Food QualityHow would you rate the food quality? Think speaker/sponsor dinner, lunches, and afterparty. Food Quality | — |
Session AttendanceWere the sessions well attended? How about your session? Session Attendance | — |
AffordabilityWas it affordable for you to speak at this event? Affordability | — |
Sponsors (0 ratings)
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Proximity to AttendeesWas the sponsor area in a high-traffic location? Proximity to Attendees | — |
Venue QualityHow was the cleanliness and layout of the venue? If online, how was the video platform? Venue Quality | — |
Affordability/ValueWas it affordable for you to sponsor this event? Do you feel like you got value in return? Affordability/Value | — |
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